Here I am going to list down the important tips for you to take away from the guide to incorporate into your own sites.
Constantly be reminded that these quality raters cannot impact your site directly in how it ranks in the search results. however Google surely uses them to ensure the best search results are shown with the highest quality sites ranking first.

Here’s an overview of what you’ll be getting from this blog:
- EAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)
- Main Content & Supplementary Content
- YMYL Content (Your Money, Your Life Pages)
- Mobile Optimization
- The Reputation of Website & Content Creator
- Overall Page Quality Rating
6 Key SEO Content Factors in the Google Search Quality Guidelines
For SEO’s who have dedicated themselves to keeping up with the Google algorithm update recently, this document serves to reaffirm what you already know, with a few new updates thrown in.
For SEO novices, this serves as a further read up on Google’s preferences and the future of SEO. By subsequent guidelines stated in this post , you can know exactly what shall be done to get your website favorable in the eyes of Google.

1. E-A-T Rating (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)
what is EAT?
- Expertise: The expertise of the creator of the main content
- Authoritativeness: How much authority the main content creator has
- Trustworthiness: How trustworthy the main content creator is
A) Expertise
In the real world, experts are made through study and certifications. Try to find different ways to show off your expertise on the subject but remember that it varies largely from the purpose of each website.
Having expertise is to show that you know what you’re talking about in your niche.
B) Authoritativeness
Everyone may be a bit confused between the difference of expertise and authoritativeness. Let’s think of it this way:
- Expertise is based on your familiarity and personal experience with the subject
- reliability is based on knowledge and position allowed by other sources
C) Trustworthiness
The third and last part is trust. everytime show users that they can trust the page they are on. In a case where users are comfortable reading, recommending and sharing the content, then it is considered as trust is established.
If you’re going to ask for a name, phone number, or email address, make sure the user knows what they are doing and getting out of it.
2. Main Content & Supplementary Content
i. Main Content (MC)
“whichever part of the page that directly helps the page achieve its purpose” is considered as Main Content (MC). mostly, anything that relates to the main purpose of the page – offering news, a useful tool, a blog post – the MC is the content fulfills this purpose.
For getting a high page quality rating, there should be a “satisfying amount of high-quality MC”.
To be considered high-quality, your MC should be:
- Clear and easy to determine
- Accurate and comprehensive
- shaped with a significant amount of at least one of the following time, effort, expertise, and talent/skill
Supplementary Content (SC)
“Any content that assists the MC in achieving its purpose” is considered as Supplementary Content (SC). It is controlled by webmasters and is an important part of the user experience
Experts should be asking themselves what types of supplementary content they can include by adding value to users’ experience but it should not interfere with the main content.
most common type of SC is navigations links that allow users to visit other parts of the website.
3. YMYL Content (Your Money, Your Life Pages)
Google had given the term, Your Money or Your Life Pages (YMYL) to websites if you have the potential to negatively impact users. Apprehended to a much higher standard than a regular website, YMYL websites offer content that may affect a user’s physical and mental health or their financial well-being.
because the update, many business types fall into the YMYL category and hence the need to maintain high-quality content.
4. Mobile Optimization
Now no more secretes Google has been constantly dropping hints about how they love mobile-friendly websites. These days people rely on their phones most of the time. The search may range from a simple one like asking for the weather, to a complex one like finding restaurants near you.
Certain guidelines have been by Google about entire section of mobile optimization in the guide, which I will sum up in a few bullet points below:
- Pages need to be optimized to satisfy abbreviated and voice queries
- The outcome of the search should satisfy the user’s need for information and supply it quickly
- Be ready with reviews and options to further research if your page is for a product
- Make sure your website is mobile-friendly
- confirm that your design is web-friendly with icons that are big enough for human fingers to navigate
5) The Reputation of Website & Content Creator
One of the most significant additions that we can see in the guidelines this year was the creator’s reputation. as an alternative of just looking at the reputation of the website, the Google raters have to also identify the reputation of the creator of the main content too if applicable.
It does not consider about how websites or creators describe their expertise and authority but how the reputable external sources agree with what the website says.
Referring the guidelines of Google, the reputable external sources that provide independent reputation information about the website or creator may include the following:
- News article
- Wikipedia articles
- Blog posts
- Magazine articles
- Forum discussions
- Ratings from independent organizations
6) Overall Page Quality Rating

The main factors that are being considered when deciding the overall Page Quality rating are :
- The Purpose of the Page
- Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness
- Main Content Quality and Amount
While creating the next content, always ask yourself ‘How can my readers benefit from this post’. Because pages that don’t serve any beneficial purpose will ultimately receive the lowest rating and you surely don’t want that to happen.
And that’s it! Hope that’s not a lot to digest ? I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts in the comment section below.