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Wikipedia Listing Services and 6 Best Page Creation Guidelines

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Wikipedia Listing Services and Page Creation Guidelines

Wikipedia Listing Services

If you’re like me, look behind the scenes of the Game of Thrones product or Wikipedia might be a good source for a collection of random facts about Zebras.

In short, you do not think much of this as a channel for brand awareness.

But if you think about it, it is one of the best third-party sources for ranking on one of Google’s pages. Generally, when searching for the keyword you intend, you do not have to scroll far to see the accompanying Wikipedia page.

Additionally, it’s a recognizable website, so if you want to know more about what your business does, this is one of the first pages that someone clicks on.

If you want to increase the visibility of your business online, check out this quick guide so you can create a Wikipedia page for your company today.

Wikipedia Page Creation

Create an account

Go to the homepage and click “Create Account” in the top right.

Enter the required information, including username and password, and then click “Create Your Account”.

Get promoted to an autoconfirmed user

When you first join, you will see a pop-up box called “Help improve Wikipedia” with a link to start editing the article.

Before you can create your page, you must become an authenticated user.

Wikipedia’s custom guidelines for authenticated users are: “Although the exact requirements for auto-verification vary depending on the circumstances, most English Wikipedia user accounts that are more than four days old and have made at least 10 edits (including deleted ones) are considered authenticated.”

Here, you have to be patient – edit other people’s pages for the first two days after you open an account. Once you click “Edit a Page”, there are links with the word “Edit” at the top right of each paragraph, so this should not be too time-consuming.

Once you have confirmed it automatically, proceed to the next step.

Create the page

Now we come to the part where we talk about the middle ground.

First, go to Wikipedia’s “Writing an article” page. As you scroll down the page, you will see a blue button labeled “Article Wizard: The Easy Way to Create Articles”.

Next, you will be redirected to Wikipedia’s article guide. Here, you have two options – start creating your page by immediately clicking “Next” or practice editing your page in Wikipedia’s sandbox.

For our purposes, we click “Next”. It’s important to note – that since your company does not already have a Wikipedia page, you can add as much or as little information as you want.

In addition, first and foremost you need to design the page in a way that is easy to read, with the most important and basic information (such as what your company does).

Provide citations

Wikipedia is ultimately an encyclopedia, so you should include citations in various articles and third-party sources to prove the validity of your title.

Before you start creating your page, Wikipedia warns about this – “The title of an article should be regardless of what is already covered incredible sources.

This includes magazines, books, newspapers, magazines, and websites that are popular for verification. Social media, press releases, or corporate/professional profiles are not eligible “.

Ultimately, quotes give your business credibility and allow the reader to believe that your company is real. See magazine or newspaper articles about your company, other websites that link to your website as a source, or directories that link to your company profile.

Submit the page for review

When you have finished your page, submit it for review. If Wikipedia is considered a trusted source, it will be uploaded to the official Wikipedia page.

Update it regularly

Remember – hard work is not over yet. When your Wikipedia page starts ranking up a Google page for your company name, you need to keep updating it to ensure it provides the most up-to-date information about your products or services.

In addition, by constantly updating it with the company’s developments, you maintain transparency, which brings comfort to your customers and leaders.

Examples of Company Pages on Wikipedia

The English Wikipedia has over 6 million articles. A good part of them is the company pages. Top company pages share the following characteristics:

  • Describe the company adequately
  • Maintaining a neutral outlook
  • Add references to significant, independent sources
  • Includes link to the company website

Below we’ll take a look at two examples of company pages that can inspire your own.

Page navigation

World Wide Technology

World Wide Technology’s Wikipedia page is a great example of a company page. First, it provides a brief overview of what kind of company, how much revenue it makes, and how many people it employs. It then provides a chronology of significant events starting with its establishment and ending with its latest endorsement in 2021 in TIME magazine.

The page concludes with a comprehensive list of independent credible sources published about the company. Such a list helps Wikipedia understand why the system is significant and avoids the appearance of a conflict of interest. Without a list of such references, your company page may be deleted.

Urban One

Urban One’s Wikipedia page is another great example of a company page. It starts with describing what the company is, who its primary audience is, and how big it is. While details such as whether it is the largest African-American-owned broadcaster and one of the most lucrative African-American-owned businesses in the United States, are objectively stated and exactly quoted to avoid the appearance of self-promotion.

Wikipedia requires significant coverage from several independent sources for articles about companies to be considered significant – this need is easily met by Urban One. At the bottom of the page, you will find a reference area with more than 54 entries.

Getting Your Company on Wikipedia

Nowadays, a quick Google search provides a wealth of information on a given subject – including social media profiles, directories, and press releases. By ensuring that you have an updated Wikipedia page, you cover your sites and provide visitors with reliable information about your business or brand.



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