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10 Social Media Marketing Strategies For Ecommerce Brands

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The ultimate goal of any ecommerce brand is to increase its conversion rate and make that happen by working upon boosting its engagement rate. Social media marketing has become a vital strategy for businesses.

It is an ever-changing field, and it becomes necessary for marketers to keep themselves up to date with the latest trends of social media marketing to amp up their game of generating leads.

Here is a guide to help you create the most effective social media marketing strategy. So! Let’s get started.

  1. Create Shoppable Posts

Shoppable Posts are this newly discovered marketing strategy that has resulted in a boost in sales for brands. Businesses can turn their business accounts into shoppable storefronts, and users can explore their products, check their prices and purchase them by staying within the social media platform.

The easy purchase journey and the idea of not having to leave the platform have resulted in the success of the shoppable posts. People are recognizing this discovery as Social Commerce and calling it the new revolution of ecommerce.

  1. Make Reels On Instagram

This form of content was created on Dubsmash and later Tiktok, but when it reached Instagram as Reels, brands started recognizing its marketing benefits. Reels have their own explore portion on Instagram, and they have an ever-increasing dwell time. 

The ecommerce brands use this concept of highly engaging short videos to showcase their products by using trendy music in the background. Reels have increased the possibility for brands to get discovered as they are arranged at random in the explore Reels section, which the users love the scroll every day.

  1. Influencer Marketing

If we are talking about social media marketing for ecommerce, how can we miss out on Influencer marketing when these content creators are the real dominators of social media. Ecommerce brands collaborate with many influencers to promote their brand.

Our advice would be to recognize the right influencers for your brand with an audience similar to your target audience. When you do so, it will be the best ROI. Users follow these influencers to get ideas on what to purchase and what’s trending. When they promote your product, you will attract more potential customers and increase sales.

  1. User-Generated Content

If you are an ecommerce brand, you know how crucial customer reviews can be, as they help your potential customers to trust you and make a purchase with you. User-generated content is one step forward to that. There are user-generated content platforms like Taggbox that provide social media aggregator tools. 

They collect UGC content from various social media platforms using your branded hashtags or handle and ensures that you don’t miss out on any. Then you can chunk out the irrelevant or repeated content and select the best ones for you so that you can use it for any marketing purposes to increase sales.

  1. Use Paid Promotions

It is the best time for ecommerce brands as social media platforms provide so many features that focus upon influencing the users and encouraging sale opportunities for brands. One such feature is the paid promotions that enable brands to target a maximum number of potential customers.

These paid promotions are very low-cost so that even small businesses can benefit from them. You get moderation features that let you choose your target audience, who you want to focus your promotion on. You can choose the gender, age group, location, and keywords related to your brand that your target audience searches for.

  1. Live-Product Launch

Social media platforms are bringing it all to give the perfect mobile-friendly experiences to the users and give more opportunities to brands to expand. One such opportunity is going live during product launches. Live-streamings have become more seamless and fun with social media platforms. 

You don’t have to use bulky software platforms that are not even mobile-friendly. You can have famous influencers or celebrities at your live stream who can conduct the product launch. Many social media platforms like Instagram have the buying feature in the live stream to influence the users into purchasing.

  1. Bring Post Consistency

Consistency is the key, every successful business, and if we consider social media marketing, then consistency in your posting activity is the key to your ecommerce success. You want to stay in the minds of your followers and potential customers and influence them to make purchases with you.

There are apps out there that work specifically to pre-schedule your posts, even for an entire month, so that you don’t ever miss out. There are seamless apps like SocialPilot that help you create, schedule, and publish social media posts for all your business pages at once.

  1. Embed Shoppable Galleries On Website

The ecommerce benefits you extract from social media don’t remain bounded till social media. Brands have started using embedding tools to embed their social media feeds on their ecommerce websites to engage the visitors and increase the dwell time.

Platforms like Taggbox Commerce help businesses create and embed social media feeds as shoppable galleries on their websites. Many businesses have started embedding user-generated content on each product’s page that works as a review or real-life experiences for potential customers that contribute positively to their purchase decisions.

  1. Get Closer To Your Customers

As ecommerce brands are emerging, they have recognized one thing: you need to be accessible to your customers and potential customers to increase sales. Social media has made this possible. Allow your customers and potential customers to send you a direct message on social media if they have any queries, rather than making them go through the lengthy customer care procedure.

By doing so, you are getting closer to them and building some close relations with your audience. Not just that, to make the experience more personalized, you can reply to the comments or tweets made by your customers so that they find you a reliable source.

  1. Visual Marketing

Social media has become all about posting visually appealing posts. Brands work upon their visual marketing strategies on social media to engage their target audience, influence them and generate leads. So, how can you take this to the next level?

Visual marketing tools like Canva provide unique templates and graphics that brands can use to create social media posts to woo the target audience. It has millions of template ideas to take inspiration from and create an aesthetic social media feed.

Over To You

The goal of every ecommerce brand is to drive sales, build trust, engage users, and enhance the shopping experience. With just the right strategies and tools, you can achieve the ultimate goal of increasing conversion rates.

We now reach the end of this blog, where we enlisted the top ten social media marketing strategies for ecommerce brands in trend. Incorporate them in your social media marketing strategies and enjoy the benefits they bring it!

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