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5-steps: How to get started with marketing analytics for a WordPress website

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The internet domination in our day-to-day lives has meant that more and more businesses are going online. In such times marketing your business in the online space has become imperative. But what is also very important is doing it right. Here is where the role of marketing analytics has become critically important like never before. So, if you are looking to marketing your business to deliver the desired results, marketing analytics plays a vital role. It is because of this that the top SEO service in the USA lays a great emphasis on it. In this blog, let us look at the ways to utilize it properly. You must look for ways to plan, build marketing systems that would deliver the essential insights that would enable you to deliver the ultimate marketing results for a wordpress website.

The following are five steps of Marketing Analytics that are highly effective.

The need to set up the right analytics framework for data tracking

When it comes to business data, it is seen that many business owners have plenty. But they are not able to analyze them and draw the main inferences from them. You need to follow the following key steps that would enable you to understand them and design the right marketing strategies.


  • The first and foremost step to get started with marketing analytics is you need the proper planning for the process for a wordpress website. For doing the appropriate planning, you could follow the following steps:
    Understand the right questions that you need to answer
  • The information that would be required to answer these questions
  • The actions that need to be undertaken based on the answers as mentioned above

Some experts call this model the QI, which stands for Question, Information & Answer

Each of the steps in the planning process, as discussed above, is important. But out of them, the action portion is the most vital. After all, what you do with all the data and information is what matters.

Building the framework

The next step in the Market Analytics process is building the framework. For this stage, you could look at critical tools like Google Analytics for collecting the information you need to collect in the planning stage. The other vital tool which could help you with the building of the framework is the Google Tag Manager. It is another handy tool that can answer all the queries sought in a much-organized manner. These are the two vital tools that can provide you with essential hints for the framework build-up process.


The third stage in the Analytics process is the Reporting stage. Have you ever looked at the Google Analytics reports? It contains a lot of information, but unless you know how to infer them, they may not prove very helpful. If you, do you find that they are very comprehensive and provide the users with some critical insights that could enable you to make a big difference to your entire marketing.

Apart from the Google Analytics reports, the other new tool which has recently come up is the Google Data Studio. Unlike the Google Analytics report, which is very detailed, this particular tool is all the more helpful because it only provides users with all the primary information they might need to arrive at the right decisions.

Once you are in this stage, you would realize how the first three steps work together.


The next stage in the Marketing Analytics process is forecasting. So here, users should be in a stage where they could indicate some essential marketing-related information. For example, you could be in a position where you can predict how many clicks you would have on your web page during a particular period and so on. It could also give you a fair indication of the number of revenues that would result from the clicks made on a post on social media and so on.

Implementation & Optimization

The final stage in this process is implementation and optimization. Once you have the marketing strategies implemented, you would have the results from them through the reports. So, you would know precisely what is working and what’s not. Thus, if you find that specific changes need to be made to improve, you could go ahead and do so. Here you could look at detailed information. For example, the cart abandonment rate is too high. You could also get to look at information about the source of the new traffic and this kind of essential information. Once these are clear, you can decide on what type of modifications are required and bring in the desired results.

To conclude, we hope that this 5-step process of Marketing Analytics would enable you to get the desired results and provide the much-needed boost to your marketing during these highly competitive times.

Author Bio
Bharat Patel, who heads the digital marketing team at Brainvire Infotech, is armed with over 12 years of experience in the fields of online marketing and project management. He is extremely proactive in implementing the latest technological innovations in his projects. Bharat’s core expertise lies in search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and conversion rate optimization, among other things. His immense flare of writing encourages him to consistently pen down words revolving around current trends and innovations that relate to his fields of interest.

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