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Best Tips for preparing content, publishing them and promoting articles in LinkedIn

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The best type of content to post is totally dependent on LinkedIn’s algorithm. Here we suggest a few ways to improve your chances of better reach:

  1. Be mindful about how you syndicate content through LinkedIn

Syndicating an original article from your company blog on LinkedIn can have its own advantages and disadvantages. If you do supervene this strategy, alter the article title and meta description, as well as the introduction and feature image, so that the piece of content is more focused to your LinkedIn audience. Remember to encompass a link back to the original published article as well. This provides the crucial transparency but also shows readers where to go for more content like the piece they just          adore.

  • Write in a separate word processor, then paste the text into LinkedIn

The LinkedIn editor does grant you to save draft articles, but it certainly doesn’t provide much word transforming support. There’s no built-in spell checker, for one thing and drafts created from your LinkedIn profile can’t be easily radiated among colleagues or peers. To ensure you publish the highest quality content the first time around, draft it up in an application like Microsoft Word or Google Docs. Take all the time you need to gloss it up and add the wind up touches. At the top of your LinkedIn homepage, you’ll see a little induce inviting you to write an article. Once it’s ready, simply copy and paste the text into LinkedIn’s publishing platform.

  • Promote published articles across the platform and beyond

When you send your article out into the LinkedIn universe, don’t just expect the platform to circulate it for you. Promote it across your LinkedIn profile, any LinkedIn groups you’re a part of, your Facebook and Twitter accounts as well as email or InMail. If you use automation tools, just be sure to follow proper LinkedIn etiquette.

5. High-performing LinkedIn articles start with high-quality content
With a robust LinkedIn content marketing strategy in place and a skilled content writer at the ready, your business can capitalize on all that the platform has to offer — from access to decision-makers to the community of like-minded professionals eager to engage.

6. Check the analytics: 

LinkedIn gives you enormous analytics to display you the success of your articles. This gives you a great juncture to pay diligence to which types of articles are assimilating the most views, comments, and social shares. You never know, your post may start that chat with your next investor or business partner; it may get you observed by others in your company or industry and help enhance your influence as a thought leader. But most of all, it may ingeniously help others. Either you have just written your first post or have a few under your belt. I’d be interested to know what approach you’ve implemented on LinkedIn to grow your following and engagement with that audience

7. Internal linking continues to be relevant and even as important.
Build your connections and improve your content by linking bent on other LinkedIn articles and other sources on the online. Internal linking are often forgotten when it involves LinkedIn, so confirm to link to others

8. Remember to reply to comments, always.
The more you employ and interact over comments, the more likely an authority and influencers will read your articles.

9. Be creative and use your imagination
Use your imagination!
Think of interesting and unique ways you may have a look at a case study or a market report that may challenge the common ways of understanding such data.
Most people associate their jobs with something boring, tiresome, dull, and ordinary. Your primary goal needs to be to bring brightness into their lives and make them change their views on work.
This can be done on condition that you modify your views and adopt a positive look on things.
One of the most effective instruments for communicating ideas more colorfully is by using visuals that “speak” to the readers. Create or buy great photographs, illustrations, graphs, and info graphics to feature to your content and make it stand out even more.

10. Choose the proper time to post
It is recommended that you just post at the start of the workweek because that’s the time when most working people need to examine business and their projects.
During the week, people tend to use interest as they get busy with work, and through the   weekends, there’s simply nobody willing to own such a lot as one thought of anything associated with their job.
Nevertheless, try different days of the week and various parts of the day to work out when is that the ideal time for you to post. Then, coordinate this with how often you wish to post: daily, weekly, bi-weekly, bi-monthly, monthly, or on another schedule.


LinkedIn is steadily increasing its reach. In the last few years, the landscape has been changing from a recruitment-focused platform to a content-rich platform. LinkedIn users are sharing content and updates and having conversations. Writing LinkedIn articles is a great way to stand out on the platform, demonstrate your expertise, and get visibility with your target audience.

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