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Digital Marketing Strategies To Achieve 100% Results

Today everyone spends their time on social media. If you want to grow in your business or Startup we can use social media as a weapon.

Build your Own Website:

This is the first step to do to grow in a Digital world. Google loves to showcase brands in its results to the users based on the content they are following. While creating a website focus on the products or services your going promote.

In Digital marketing website is a focal point for all the marketing campaigns. Through branding and marketing you can increase traffic to your website,sign up for your email list and buy your products or services.

Always keep this in your mind as the website is the ‘front door’ of your website.When building a website be cautious about

  • UI of the site which gives the first impression on your site
  • Follow hierarchical structure
  • Take care of About page, contact page, Privacy and Disclaimer pages
  • It should mobile friendly because so many people like to use in mobiles
  • Claim and optimize your business pages in all the social networks like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and Pinterest

Create a Own Logo:

You need to create a logo which is different from others based on your business. Actually the logo represents your brand identity and you can use this in all your social platforms like websites,social media accounts etc.

How to Promote your brand?

If you have this question in your mind you can use the following methods

  • Email marketing
  • Website marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Content marketing
  • Advertising on Facebook and Google
  • Running campaigns

Let’s see how Facebook advertisement works:

Having more followers helps a lot with social proof to promote your business

Once you get started with Facebook, the Next step is to create customer personas and identify which networks your potential customers will most likely use and jump on those.

For example, if your target customers are between 20-30 years then Facebook,Instagram and YouTube are great networks to be in.On the other hand,if you are targeting executive managers then you have more chances on LinkedIn than Instagram.

Always keep your pages Active. Ensure that your social media pages are active. By active,we can add fresh and up to date Content. People who visit your site may visit your social accounts as well so maintain all the sites with Useful and related content.

Create a content marketing strategy

  • Analyze your market and identify your target audience
  • Create a plan with tasks and milestones
  • Create actual content using keyword search to identify the search terms and topics related to your business
  • Create content which is unique and evergreen

Apart from all of the above methods you can use search engine optimization (SEO) to optimize your website to achieve higher rankings means more targeting traffic to your Start Ups business from search engine.

Benefits of SEO:

  • It helps with brand awareness and trust
  • It can get you traffic without having to pay the advertising bills every month
  • Organic traffic converts better than any other traffic
  • It is good for social media too
  • SEO will guide you on creating better Website
  • SEO is the key to bypass our competitors

If you get a point that most of your business is generated by SEO then you can safely predict your growth and turn startup business as a successful company.

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