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How to increase LinkedIn followers

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Few tactics to increase LinkedIn followers

In this article, I will share the best tips and tricks to increase followers on your LinkedIn company page. These tricks can also be used to grow your personal LinkedIn network.

I prepared a few strong tactics of the post that will help your brand or your followers’ brands that will increase the number of LinkedIn followers!

Increase your LinkedIn Followers

Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

You may be aware of the fact that improving your LinkedIn profile may increase your inconsistencies in display in LinkedIn search results, just like a LinkedIn page.

Creating your LinkedIn profile and its company page around terms and keywords that are important to your business will help your audience clear who you are and what you do.

First, get your main keywords. To write a powerful about section, use the main keywords writing about:

  • What’s your company
  • Location
  • Specialties
  • Previous experience

Optimize your Page for SEO

Did you know that Google will show the start of your tagline in search results, helping users discover what your business is all about? Use this section wisely to persuade them to visit your company page.

If the section about you encourages them, it will significantly increase their chances of getting a new follower.

These are few ideas to write about in your LinkedIn company page description:

  • Your mission and vision – what you are attempting to create and how
  • Values – who are you, and what do you work
  • What makes your brand different
  • What products and services you provide
  • CTA – Like our page, check our website, etc.

Just click on the edit page, and in an Overview segment, you can be able to enter a 2000 character description about your company profile.

The quality of your tagline and description will attract your followers to the company page.

Engage your connections and Invite them to follow your profile

When you start a LinkedIn page, you can request your employees about the page and invite them to follow. Employees, every like and comment on your company page will help your posts get higher reach and bring visibility to your page.

To do that, go to your company page, and in the upper right corner, click on the icon Admin toolsand then “Invite connections”.

After that, enter your company name in the search bar then you will see your colleagues’ names in the results. Simultaneously, mark all of them and click Invite.

You can also use this option to invite some of your other followers to follow your company’s page.

All of the followers have the power to raise your company’s page posts by involving with them. After your employees start following your page, you can notify them to get involved with it.

After that, you post your content, click on “More”, and then Notify employees of the post.

It will notify your followers to involve with your post and make it visible to other LinkedIn users.

Teach Your Followers about LinkedIn’s Algorithm

Before you teach how to enhance LinkedIn followers, you want to understand LinkedIn’s algorithm. It is very important in your profile.

LinkedIn’s intention is easy:

If you are attempting to raise your post’s reach to get new followers, you will receive thoughtful comments. These comments will give additional value to your posts, and it will show LinkedIn that your post has higher quality, delivering more people involved with it.

First, LinkedIn shows your post to a limited number of people. If your post gets enough likes, comments, and shares in the first few hours, then LinkedIn will ensure to raise your post. Then show it to more people to help you get higher results.

Add a Follow Button to Your Website

This simple step is a great addition for businesses that are looking for ways to increase LinkedIn followers by having a website. The LinkedIn follow-up button will help turn them into LinkedIn followers, especially if you have traffic on your website.

Also, you can keep your social media icons float on your website so that your visitors can click on them every time. Ask them what to do and see your following.

Advertise Your Page on Other Social Media Pages

If you are setting up a community on multiple social media channels, you can ask as well as your connections to follow your LinkedIn page. Give them the link to your page profile and attach an attractive CTA to it.

I know several people who create their followers on Instagram and Facebook too. After that change them into LinkedIn followers. For example, you can put the link on your Instagram and Facebook to make your followers visit and follow your LinkedIn account.

Change the Button on Your LinkedIn Profile to a Follow Button

By default, LinkedIn keeps your profile a Connect button, and every time someone presses it, then you get a new connection request.

I believe that you should smartly choose whom you want to connect with.

Lastly, switching your profile into a Follow profile and not as a Connect profile will need LinkedIn users to click the “More” button after that “Connect” if they want to go that route.

To do that, click on your profile icon in the header and then Settings & Privacy.

In this way, you will receive tons of followers, and really everyone won’t be able to contact you – only people who are sincere about collaborating with you will send a connection request.

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