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What are Premium Domains and How They Help Startup Succeed Exclusive Research on Brand Positioning in 2022

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What are Premium Domains and How They Help Startup Succeed Exclusive Research on Brand Positioning in 2022

What Are Premium Domain Names?

A ‘premium domain name refers to a high-quality web address that is short, catchy, and usually ends with a .com extension. Premium domains offer strong branding possibilities for the companies that own them.

That’s because these names have unique characteristics that make them stand out from the crowd while fulfilling the basic goal of all domains: to help visitors find the website they’re looking for.

One of the best ways to find a premium domain name is to engage the expertise of naming companies.

What Qualifies a Domain as ‘Premium?’

To find out what constitutes a ‘premium’ domain, you first need to understand that businesses and entrepreneurs buy domains. They need to represent their brand, be a resource for their marketing strategies, or even because their competitors don’t want them.

Companies will pay more for domain names if they help them achieve their marketing and branding objectives.

Below are some important attributes of premium domain names:

  • They are short: In domains, less is always more. And customers find it easier to find brands with shorter domain names.
  • They are brandable: Building a brand with the support of a premium domain name is very easy for entrepreneurs.
  • They use trusted extensions: There are thousands of website extensions, but .com, .org, .net and .io are the most popular and default in customers’ minds whenever they come across domains.
  • They express a clear Message: Premium domain names give customers a clear picture of the products and services your company offers.
  • They are SEO-friendly: Premium domains are SEO-friendly because they often match the exact phrases customers are searching for.

Why Should You Consider a Premium Domain Name for Your Company?

Secures the Best Possible Domain Name for Your Company

After ten years and $11 million, from Stuart Grossaman, Elon Musk got the Tesla Domain finally. One of the reasons he waited so long was because he realized premium domain names are the best approach to representing your company in the digital age, precisely matching your brand.

It Makes It Easier for People to Find Your Company

Getting a premium domain name makes it easier for your target audience to remember, search and find your company. If you own a shoe store and want others to find you quickly, a premium name like is preferable to a name like

Boost Your Company’s Credibility

Getting a premium name improves the credibility and reliability of your brand’s website. As a result, customers are more likely to visit your website and make a purchase.

Stops Competitors from Using a Powerful Domain Against You 

Imagine your company name is Imperial Fashion; A major factor that can hinder the growth of your brand is if is already registered by someone else and not a competitor. If you don’t secure a premium domain name, your competitors will buy it and often use it against you. That will result in less traffic and conversions for your company.



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