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20 Important UX & Product Newsletters For 2024

20 Important UX & Product Newsletters For 2022

UX & Product Newsletters For 2022

Newsletter boom was not the alternative media stream that some imagined. But encouraged some new voices to share their expertise and analysis. This is certainly true in the UX and product management newsletters, with some exciting new arrivals joining the time-tested favorites to help make the landscape even stronger.

The 20 Important UX & Product Newsletters For 2022

UX design weekly

Kenny Chen, Google’s senior contact designer, has been providing this collection of popular, hand-picked links since 2014. Every Monday, readers get five recent UX articles, three or more tools, and resource links. Portfolio Spotlight, a historical quote, and a “last but not least” – a Potpourri-style catchall. A case study like a bonus blog or Chen’s favorite of the week.

UX notebook

As an instructor and career trainer, Sarah Doody predicted much of the UX Bootcamp boom. And as the driving force behind the long-running UX notebook, she predicted the newsletter craze for years. The UX notebook contains thought-provoking updates and ideas about the industry, followed by a curated sample of the latest UX-related content – usually four articles and a podcast episode.

UX Collective Newsletter

Weekly Digest of Long-Term Site Features, featuring advice and trend analysis written by product practitioners in the UX and around the world. Each magazine has a leading feature, three choices of the editor, a small collection of articles from around the web, and tools and resources to spot posts.

Weekly access

David A. Kennedy, the senior UX designer at digital service provider Ad Hoc, has been featuring accessibility articles and how-tos in Accessibility Weekly since 2015, and the weekly roundup is a valuable resource.

Do not think about the future

Christopher Butler, chief design officer, and longtime blogger at digital marketing firm Newfangled supports the dialogue and essay approach to not thinking about the future.

Nerdy Diva

Shane Chapman is a UX educator and IBM & Boeing veteran who handles topics in UX research and also design, diversity, and content, and also leadership in the Elegance Diva Newsletter.

User weekly

Among these relatively new ones – launched in June 2021 – is John Ahrend, Google’s senior user experience analyst, who answers a frequently asked question: What is important in UX research this week? User Weekly compiles information in each issue, including a short question and answers session with a fellow researcher; Spotlight of recent articles; A set of guides, tutorials, and case studies; More podcast and video links.

UX Psychology

Moreover, Launched in October by UX researcher and cognitive psychologist Maria Panagiotidi, another recent addition to the UX research curve is the Substack, which delves into UX-related psychological theories (such as unconsciousness), product-related psychological research, and also research-information application.

Finding out

Veronica Erp, a former UX researcher at NPR, ignored designing tools and exercises and instead writes weekly motivational articles that combine basic UI / UX themes such as creativity and empathy. Whether Erp designs a stroll in a rainy backyard as a metaphor for research or praises the benefits of drawing like a child, the results can be utterly poetic.

People nerds

Every Thursday, discount, the UX research site, sends out highlights of its always-read blog People Nerds. The newsletter provides a complete – but not exaggerated – sample of interviews, suggestions, comments, community polls, and case studies. Also note dScout’s current partnership with HmntyCntrd, a human-centered design community, which has resulted in thoughtful pieces on “cosmetic diversity,” people-centered advocacy tactics, and more.

The desk organize

Five years in, Tobias van Schneider’s digital design newsletter remains a must-read. An incisive (yet approachable) opening letter introduces each issue, followed by stray observations, product spotlights, and a sample of van Schneider’s blog.

Dense discovery

Former UI designer and current offscreen publisher Kai Brach have been presenting this weekly Tech Digest since 2018. Focuses beyond digital design, explores sustainability and ethics.


Digital design enthusiasts who appreciate the eye for curation and table reliability will embrace this option. Sacha Greif, a designer, and developer, has been presenting Sidebar. A daily quick-success survey of five notable design-related links that have been accessible for almost 10 years, from digital typography to color theory.


Mind the Product’s Prioritized has been listing significant product-management media for over six years, bringing together relevant features of UX experts. Also general interest outlets, as well as a wealth of homemade content.

Pring donuts

Product management coach and former Google mogul Ken Norton updated his popular Pring the Donuts after a long hiatus in early 2021. Although the frequency has become volatile again in recent months, it remains a deep well of PM knowledge.

Product habits

This newsletter has some different formats. Also, This could be a simple invitation to participate in a poll. Or an overview of a blog post posted on a site affiliated with Product Habits Creator Hidden Shaw. But the links roundabouts compiled by Shaw often stand alone.


Paul Boag – Founder of the UK design company Headscape and also the author of several books, including the latest dark patterns – Boag in Boagworld. Readers receive weekly misses from experienced design consultants and self-described “annoying old man of the Internet”. It is on exchange rate optimization, product management, product marketing, UX, and also related topics.


Founder of Women’s Products and former Product President of Facebook (he headed features such as Marketplace and Platform). Also, Perspective writer Deb Liu has plenty of product wisdom to share. But don’t expect a standard-issue product-strategy book in newsletter format.


At Ask Gib, Gibson Biddle asks product questions from subscribers and provides channels with his top-notch experience (former VP of Netflix’s Product VP, also former CEO of Chegg) to provide tips on product strategy, leadership, career development, and more.

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