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Facebook Retargeting Ads : How to Do Retargeting on Facebook

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Facebook Ads Retargeting: How to Do Retargeting on Facebook

Facebook Retargeting Ads

Facebook retargeting ads is one of the powerhouse advertising features of the site. They allow you to access users who are already familiar with your brand, either through an established customer list or through activity on your site captured by the tracking pixel.

This is a successful environment for both the advertiser and the customer as users are more likely to engage in advertising brands they know and trust.

In this post, we are going to look in detail at why you should use Facebook retargeting ads and the six reliable strategies you should use to increase your ROI and conversion rates.

What Are Facebook Retargeting Ads?

Facebook retargeting ads are ads that allow you to reconnect with users who are already associated with your brand in some way (on or off Facebook).

This includes users:

  • Share their email with you as Lead or Customer
  • You followed your Facebook page or interacted with it in some way
  • Related to the Facebook event
  • A certain amount of views on your platform videos (promotional videos included)
  • Integrated with your apps
  • Looked at some pages of your site or took some action on it
  • Interact in some way with your Instagram page

You can create a custom audience for each of the above conditions by locating the “audience” under your business manager. From there, create custom audiences and choose who you want to target again.

Reviewing ads can lead to higher conversion rates as they allow you to connect with a lovable audience and the average cost per click is lower than other types of ads.

These ads will help you create more complex and well-targeted advertising funnels.

6 Facebook Retargeting Strategies You Should Try In 2021

As you can see, there are various options to target again, so, let’s take a look at some of the best strategies for redirecting potential customers using Facebook ads.

Each of these strategies is flexible, allowing you to add additional goal criteria such as age-based or interest-based targeting to create better results if needed.

Creating a Non-Rushed Sales Funnel

When you see new advertising from your brand, people are not going to change for the first time. Most, at least not.

Instead, remember that slow and steady always win the race (and customer!). That’s where ad funnels come into play, where you can push users to the next level of the funnel with discarded ads. Setting up funnels is one of the most common reasons brands withdraw ads on Facebook.

Start with brand awareness advertising to introduce yourself to your audience. Sure, some may click and change immediately, but there is a good chance that many will not. You can run a retargeting campaign to show your ad to users who have saved or been involved in your previous ad.

Shows products that customers want

You were so eager to buy, but, want to go ahead right now and buy but what was the last thing that stopped you?

The new pair of shoes (guilty), despite the new cooking device, I think we were all there for. Maybe we’re trying to stick to the budget and oppose the item first. But it pops up on our Facebook feed and it’s a little sexy.

If customers visit different product pages of your site, it indicates strong interest and purchase intent. It would be even better if they stayed on the side and added it to their cart.

Re-engaging lost customers

There are plenty of places for customer growth with re-engagement campaigns.

All businesses have clients. They need the right snippet. The way to go about this particular strategy is to review campaigns that are explicitly designed to connect with users who have not purchased from you or have not been involved with your site for some time.

How long will it be depending on your audience and business; Three months after the last purchase, I saw myself reconsidering these types of campaigns for up to a year.

Reminding Customers of Abandoned Carts

The global cart drop rate is currently around 75% depending on the industry. The use of revaluation campaigns helps to replace the solid part of abandoned carts, preventing potential sales from being missed.

If customers add something to their cart and leave it unchanged, there could be several reasons:

  • They are distracted and forget to buy
  • They wanted to do more research
  • They wanted to put a price on the item
  • They wanted to see if they could trigger a coupon code

Creating retargeting campaigns for these users with offers like coupon codes or free samples can quickly catch up with almost lost changes.

“Achievement Unlocked” strategy

Is there a mobile app? It may be part of your regression strategy.

To make it easier for users to make purchases, Apps can do everything from offer value.

How to Execute This Strategy

Use the application function to move users to the next stage of the digital sales funnel and create regression campaigns.

Sequencing Ads

A follow-up ad is not going to cut it. Sometimes, a user will have to look at multiple advertising campaigns in a series before they get enough exposure to your brand. If you’re convinced that this is the case for you, then it’s time to dump her and move on.

This review strategy works by setting specific time windows for each ad in multiple ad series, ensuring that users within your target audience will see them in the order you designed to convert them.

Determine what windows work for you and what are your most valuable offers. Then, set up a regression campaign from web traffic and create different personalized ads for different timelines.

How to Automate Your Retargeting With Data Sync

Aartisto’s data sync will be your best friend, especially if you’re constantly tired of trying to upload your new customer list to your promotional campaigns and you’re constantly running remarketing campaigns.

Sync automatically and frequently with integrations ranging from Facebook to standard communication, Data Sync will take care of this for you.

These integrations allow you to upload email lists from your CRM software and/or send information directly from your Facebook Lead Generation forms to your CRM software.

It’s a win-win, an automatic flow of information between the two platforms so no one slips between the cracks.


Facebook retargeting ads can provide more advertising involvement, brand promotion and awareness, rates, and changes with a click, all in less CPC than most campaigns targeting a cool audience.

This is an incredible opportunity for brands to focus more time instead of trying to create advertising campaigns exclusively for a cool audience.


How do I set up retargeting ads on Facebook 2020?

Find your visitor preferences in your Facebook Ads Business Manager. Select the option to create a custom audience. Select your website as a source for your custom visitors.

Why is my Facebook retargeting ad not working?

Another reason why Facebook ads do not work for marketers is because they do not bid properly. If your ads do not generate enough posts or clicks, you will need to make some changes in the auction section.

How retargeting works the complete guide to retargeting ads?

Review by dropping cookies in your audience’s browsers, which allows your lagging site to follow that user across the web. The small code you place on your site drops cookies in your audience’s browser, often referred to as pixels.

What is digital retargeting?

Retargeting is a paid advertising strategy that involves your visitors clicking and placing your ads in front of other websites. Here’s how regression is in the eyes of consumers.



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