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How To Generate More Business Leads With Managed Services

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Modern businesses rely on technologies to keep up with the rising market competition. They often have a team of information technology (IT) experts to ensure that their networks and infrastructures are always working. However, retaining in-house teams can be costly because of the high salaries and overhead expenses. 

That’s why entrepreneurs are opting to outsource managed services. They can help minimize the risk of downtime that in-house employees may need to gain the knowledge to prevent efficiently.  

This article discusses six strategies you should consider to generate more business leads with managed services: 

  • Automate Lead Generation Process 

The most successful companies have developed systems and processes to generate new leads daily. This means that you must establish an effective lead generation system. 

You can automate your lead generation process by using business IT services like a chatbot that can help you follow up with leads who are interested in your product or service. You can also use this feature to send out reminders about certain events or promotions, making it easier for potential customers to take action.  

Then, you can use managed services to find and qualify more qualified prospects for your business. Through a managed service provider, you can filter the quality of your leads, which can help you save time in communicating with uninterested ones. You may use this great resource to find more information about some of the top managed services providers that can help you with this strategy. 

  • Reconnect With Previous Contacts 

The biggest challenge for many businesses is reconnecting with their previous contacts, which is why they need to implement a strong communication strategy. This way, they can reach out to their existing contacts and keep them updated on what’s going on in their business. 

You can reconnect with your previous contacts by sending them a newsletter or an email that provides them with updates about your company. Doing so shows that you care about your past customers and want to keep in touch with them. 

When communicating with them, personalize your campaigns to ensure they are appropriately promotional. You may include their first names on the subject line to encourage your recipients to open and read the message. After that, consider adding a link to your website to provide additional information about what you do to boost your click-through rate. 

  • Host Events 

Hosting events is a great way to generate business leads. Events are very effective at generating new business because they allow people to network and connect with other potential customers. Events also enable you to reach out directly to your target market in an environment where they are more likely to be comfortable talking about their needs. 

You can host many events, such as corporate meetings, trade shows, or contests. Then, you may use managed services to promote your event through social media advertising campaigns and other marketing methods that target your audience’s interests. 

  • Be More Compliant With Global Legislation 

As you expand your company in global markets, you must know the local legislation for operating in different countries. This means you have to be compliant with labor and tax laws. You also must ensure that your workforce is legally permitted to work in those countries. You may face costly penalties that can affect your finances if they aren’t. 

You can avoid these legal issues with managed services. A managed service provider can help you stay compliant by ensuring all the necessary paperwork is in order and that your workers are authorized to work in the country where they provide their services. This helps keep your company free from unnecessary legal action, which saves costs and time spent dealing with red tape. 

  • Ask For Testimonials From Existing Customers 

Another excellent way to generate more business leads with managed services is by asking for testimonials. These positive reviews may encourage prospective clients to try your offers because they know they’re effective.  

You can ask for testimonials by sending out a survey or email the same day your customers sign up for a service. You can also use social media to ask people who have used your services to share their experiences. You may use managed services to gather these reviews and collect them into an easy-to-use database for marketing materials. 

  • Be Available 24/7 On Social Media 

When your brand has an online search presence, more users will be aware of it. However, if you continue advertising your company but fail to respond to prospects on time, you might miss out on them.  

That’s why your customer service must be available 24/7 on social media. You can do this with a managed service provider because they can evaluate your performance on these platforms and respond to comments immediately. 


Key Takeaway 

Business marketing is a numbers game. The more leads your business generates, the more willing potential clients will be to call, drop in, and fill out a form online. 

Regardless of your industry, generating leads is made easier with the help of managed services. They can help you add value to your existing customers by being available to them every time. They may also help you stay compliant with legislation if you’re trying to penetrate the international market to prevent legal issues. 

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