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How To Use The Google Ads Search Terms Report

With the help of the crucial Google Ads Search Terms Report, increase the profitability of your Ads campaign. Find out how to improve targeting, optimize your keyword approach, and increase return on investment.

Reaching the appropriate individuals with the correct message at the right time of day while they are searching is one of the most important components of a successful Google Ads strategy. 

To achieve this effectively, you must be fully aware of the performance of your advertisements as well as the search terms that prospective buyers are using.

The Google Ads search keywords report is useful in this situation.

A true gem and a priceless addition to any Google AdWords account is this report. 

With insights into exact phrases being used to trigger your ads, the search terms report can help:

  • Make significant improvements to your keyword plan.
  • Improve the way you target.
  • Increase your ROI (return on investment).

Let’s examine the reasons why optimizing Google Ads profitability requires the use of the search terms report in addition to its helpfulness. 

What Is The Google Ads Search Terms Report?

One performance tool that displays how well your advertisement performed when prompted by real queries on the Google Search Network is the search terms report.

Finding out which keywords to bid on and which match types to use may be done with the help of the report, which provides detailed terms and phrases that caused your ad to appear. 

You may quickly add search terms that you discover are irrelevant for your company to your repository of negative keyword lists.

This guarantees that your advertising are only displayed in response to pertinent, helpful searches made by prospective clients, which helps you spend your money more wisely.

Remember that a search term and a keyword are not the same thing. 

  • Search term: Displays the precise word or phrase that a user types into the Google Search Network to get an advertisement to appear.
  • Keyword: The term or expression that Google AdWords advertisers bid on and target to display their advertisements to users. 

How To Create A Search Terms Report

It’s easy to create a search terms report in your Google Ads account, and it can even be automated!

  • You must: in order to view your search terms report.
  • Open your Google Ads account and log in.
  • Go to the “Campaigns” page. “Reports & insights” >> “Search phrases”

Below is an example of where to navigate in your Google Ads account to find the search terms report. 

As a marketer, you have several options after running this report:

  • As keywords, add the most popular searches to the respective ad groups.
  • When adding additional terms, choose the desired match type (precise, phrase, broad, etc.).
  • Include pointless search phrases in a list of prohibited keywords. 

3 Ways To Use Search Terms Report Data

You can optimize campaign effectiveness in a variety of ways by utilizing the search terms report data, as previously discussed.

To help you get the most value out of this report, let’s look at three samples. 

1. Refine Existing Keyword Lists

The search terms report’s first use case is improving already-existing keyword lists.

You can identify chances by looking through the search keywords report and identifying places like:

  • Which searches result in purchases.
  • Which searches have nothing to do with the good or service.
  • Which queries receive a lot of impressions but few clicks.
  • How current keywords and ad groups are mapped to searches. 

It probably makes sense to add those searches’ keywords to an already-existing ad group or to create a new one if they result in conversions.

It is better to add those queries as negative keywords if you find that they are unrelated to what you are selling. This stops your advertisement from appearing for that particular search going ahead. 

Certain queries will be given more attention if they have a lot of impressions but few clicks. If the keyword has enough interest to warrant bidding, it can signify that the bid approach isn’t aggressive enough, in which case you should adjust your bid strategy.

Cross-pollution of keywords occurs when several keywords and ad groups are triggering the same search phrase. Because you are essentially bidding on numerous keywords for that search term, which might increase costs, this could result in a lesser return on investment. In such a case, you have the following choices: 

  • Examine and modify the current keyword match types as needed.
  • To prevent cross-pollution, add negative keywords at the ad group or campaign level as needed. 

In the end, this method of utilizing the search terms report lets you identify what is doing well and get rid of underperformers. 

2. Understand How Your Audience Is Actually Searching For Your Product

I frequently observe discrepancies between how a business describes its offering and how a buyer really looks for it online.

You might be setting unrealistic expectations if you’re bidding on terms that you believe accurately represent your good or service but aren’t receiving any traction. 

Search phrases that result in conversions are frequently ones you wouldn’t have considered bidding on if you hadn’t looked at the search terms report.

Discovering obscure methods that clients are using to look for and discover your goods is one of the most neglected use cases in this research. 

If you find these kinds of keywords, you might have to start a new campaign because the search phrases don’t fit into the existing ad group structures.

Since different search themes have varying keyword values, it is possible to build campaigns according to each one and employ appropriate bidding techniques for each! 

In addition to assisting your keyword approach, knowing how a customer expresses their demand for a good or service can aid with better-aligned product positioning.

This brings up our third benefit of using the search phrase report for your advertisements. 

3. Optimize Ad Copy and Landing Pages

As was covered in #2, the words and expressions used by customers can reveal important details about their wants and preferences.

Marketers can better customize ad copy and make it more relevant and enticing to potential buyers by using the search keywords report.

Not to be overlooked is the matching landing page! 

A user expects to see a match between what they searched for and what is displayed on a website after clicking on an advertisement.

Ensure that the content of the landing page is updated frequently to better suit the searcher’s intent.

Better user experiences and higher conversion rates may arise from this. 

How Using The Search Terms Report Can Help ROI

The campaign ROI can be enhanced by the search terms report in each of the three aforementioned scenarios.

In what way?

Let’s examine each scenario in more detail. 

How Refining Keywords Helps ROI

Negating any pointless search terms that result in an advertisement is a part of improving already-existing keywords.

Spending on irrelevant keywords can be eliminated with a strong negative keyword strategy.

The money that was once “wasted” is subsequently diverted to efforts that consistently yield larger returns on investment. 

Additionally, you have more influence over your bid strategy when you include high-performing search phrases.

Better ROI is eventually the result of knowing which levers to pull and how to build bid strategies based on search themes. 

How Understanding Audience Intent Helps ROI

Advertisers can modify their ad wording and landing pages to more closely match the precise language and search terms used by potential customers.

In Google Ads, this may raise ad relevancy and Ad Rank.

As your Quality Score rises, these products can help lower CPCs by improving your keyword Quality Score. 

Higher click-through rates from more targeted adverts probably increase the chance that those users will convert! 

How Updating Ad Copy And Landing Pages Helps ROI

This illustration complements the advice given above.

Ad relevancy improves when you update landing sites and ad copy to match the audience’s search intent as you get to understand it better.

When a user clicks on that pertinent advertisement, they discover that the landing page’s content more closely fits their search query. 

ROI can ultimately be increased by this increased relevance, which can also considerably raise the likelihood of conversion. 

Use This Report To Make Data-Driven Decisions

Any digital marketing strategy must include Google Ads, which frequently consume a sizable amount of your marketing budget.

Regularly examining the search terms report can help you fine-tune your marketing budget for more successful Google Ads campaigns. 

Ad expenditure may be more efficiently allocated, conversions can be increased, and ROI can be eventually increased by using this report to inform data-driven decisions that optimize various aspects of campaign management. 


What is the Google Ads Search Terms Report?

The Google Ads Search Terms Report shows how well your ads performed when triggered by actual search queries on the Google Search Network. It provides insights into the specific terms and phrases that caused your ads to appear.

How do I create a Search Terms Report in Google Ads?

What is the difference between a search term and a keyword?

Search Term: The exact word or phrase a user types into Google that triggers your ad. Keyword: The term or expression you bid on in Google Ads to display your ads to users.

How can the Search Terms Report improve my keyword strategy?

he report helps refine your keyword lists by: Identifying high-performing searches to add as keywords. Recognizing irrelevant searches to add as negative keywords. Adjusting bid strategies based on the performance of different search terms.

How can I use the Search Terms Report to understand my audience better?

By analyzing the report, you can: Discover how customers are actually searching for your product. Identify new keywords that you might not have considered. Align your product positioning with customer search behaviors.

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