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Permalink Structure that can Supercharge Link Building with SEO Titles

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Permalink structure that can increase link building

What Is Link Building with SEO?

Link building is the practice of creating one-way hyperlinks (also known as “backlinks”) to a website to improve search engine visibility. Common link-building strategies include content marketing, creating effective tools, email access, broken link building, and public relations. Link building with SEO can increase the number of high-quality links pointing to a website, which in turn increases the likelihood of website ranking in search engine results.

Why Are Link Building with SEO So Important?

To understand that, you need to jump on your Delorian and go back to the days before Google on the Internet.

The day before, search engines like Yahoo! rank search results in 100% based on the content on a webpage.

Permalink structure that can supercharge link building with SEO

It’s no secret that it can take a long time to rank on Google’s first page. With each passing year, there seem to be more elements than ever before for website authors to consider not going to the first page. But with all the changes and updates, there are some elements of SEO that can always help you improve your ranking on the results page.

One such element is the permalink. Even if you do not know what a permalink is, you have already been taught some of the best practices. You can not underestimate this part of your site and how it contributes to your SEO, and it is worth your time to look a little deeper into how you can use them effectively.

So in this post, I would like to provide a guide to help you establish permalinks that have been the cornerstone of your content for many years.

To get things started, I want to show you what a permalink is and why you should start improving them immediately.

Select the appropriate permalink structure

A permalink system is the web address that your WordPress installation uses to link to your site content. By default, when you first install WordPress, WordPress uses a standard permalink framework such as:

You need to convert your permalink structure to a man-readable and SEO-friendly format. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Log in to the WordPress admin console

2. In the left menu, circle the Settings menu and select Permalinks.

3. On the Permalinks screen, select one of the 6 Permalink options available. Then, click the Save Change button at the bottom of the screen.

Sync your WordPress address with Google Search Console

When you configured WordPress, you selected the URL that visitors would use to find your site. The decision to use the prefix “www” (or in advance) will not have a real SEO impact on your site. But you need to make sure that the address you choose is used worldwide. To help ensure that this is the case, you need to make sure that any option you choose is reflected in the Google search console.

Use the XML Sitemap

XML Sitemaps provide search engines with a map of all the important pages on your website. Even if your internal links are not so good, search engines like Google can help you find your important content quickly. Some WordPress themes will automatically create an XML sitemap. If yours is not, there are plenty of WordPress plugins to help.

Activate the breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs are a secondary navigation mechanism you may have seen on other WordPress sites. You can usually find it at the top of posts or pages, below the title and featured image. They look a little like this:

Search engines like to be soaked in breadcrumbs because they provide another way to search and index the content of your site. Additionally, Google will sometimes add breadcrumbs related to your post or page to your search results list. That’s why it’s good to add breadcrumbs to your site.

Use Secure Socket Layer to protect your WordPress site

The security of any WordPress site is increasingly important, but now it is more important than ever. Players like Google are starting to make the security of your site a factor in your search engine rankings.

From an SEO perspective, you need to make sure that your site uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption to protect the communication between the visitor’s browser and the server. You can purchase an SSL anywhere and have your hosting provider help you install it.

Implement a mobile responsive theme

Mobile phones have overtaken other devices as the primary means of absorbing digital content. Google has taken note and made its search algorithm a factor in mobile response and usability in its search rankings.

That means you need to make sure you are using a mobile responsive theme. It also means that you need to take a mobile-first approach in designing your site because most users will absorb your content on a mobile device.

Upgrade your pictures

The performance of your WordPress site is paramount when it comes to SEO. Google rewards fast-loading sites and the challenge of delivering a faster web experience is even harder on mobile, where you often have to deal with slow and congested networks.

One step that can improve the performance of your site, especially on mobile, is to improve your images. Minimize image file sizes and minimize any load that may occur on the network and large file sizes. The trick is to improve your images without affecting the image quality

Use the caching plugin

Many factors affect the speed at which your pages load. A sure-fire way to speed things up is with a caching plugin. Your WordPress site is dynamic, not static. So, every time a visitor requests a page, database queries are made to retrieve the content and the code is executed to deliver a beautifully designed page to the visitor in your template.

To learn more about link building with SEO, continue to Aartisto Digital Marketing Agency. For best results and to get more business LET’S DISCUSS

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