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WhatsApp Business Adds Feature That Allows Users to Make Purchases within Chat

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WhatsApp is innovating day by day with creative and convenient features and recently it has added a feature where WhatsApp Business users can make purchase within chat .

There is no longer any doubt that Zuckerberg’s project is to make users stay on its platforms as long as possible. The news announced for Facebook-owned PLATFORM WhatsApp Business by the giant of Menlo Park go precisely in this direction and allow the popular app to become an increasingly versatile and complete tool for relationships between companies and customers.

Whatsapp have different approaches, which is a good thing because, in this way, they can offer different products that meet everyone’s needs.

Whatapp has added the ability of ONLINE SHOPPING WHATSAPP, and it is to allow users to purchase goods and services directly from the chat window. Face book-owned messaging platform announced its development in a statement establishing a new button that allows users to buy products directly from chat. They said users of Whatapp business accounts could buy items directly from Whatapp because they can provide catalogues to customers from the chat screen. The shop button will be valid worldwide and will be rolled out in India at a later date. This is implied in WHATSAPP MESSAGING.

They will expand the means for people to check available products and buy directly from chat. According to the company, the move will help many small businesses that have been hit hardest during the COVID-19 pandemic. This new feature allows users to add items to their cart and pay on the platform. As you can see, the WhatsApp Business new buy button appears in the upper right corner of the screen. This is where the video calling option is useful for non-professional users ONLINE SHOPPING WHATSAPP.

Whatapp is rolling out this feature globally and will be rolling out in India in the future.

According to the company’s research, people like to send messages to their businesses for help and are more likely to buy when possible.

The buy button allows users to add items to their cart and make payments from WhatsApp chat. This new feature is intended to help small businesses that are heavily affected by the pandemic.

Apart from that, as Mashable reported, WhatsApp also recently announced that it would charge businesses for some services of the WhatsApp Business app. Facebook hasn’t released price details yet. But what this means is that companies have to pay for certain services. However, the WhatsApp for Business application is free for end-users.

The company also expressed its intention to expand existing partnerships with enterprise solution providers and plans to launch its hosting services for message management, inventory and customer support in a manner that those customers can receive prompt answers to their questions, even if employees work in smart working. All of this will not be completely free. Business users will be charged a fee for some of the services offered.

Conclusion: hope you learn a lot while reading this article as it will provide you with the latest information about the launch of a new feature in whats app about the purchasing within the chats. 

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