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How to Write PPC Ad Copy Using AI

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The main advantages of artificial intelligence when it comes to creating compelling PPC advertising
content are as follows:

  • Unparalleled data processing power
  • Identify which actions will generate the most traffic
  • Save time in campaign management

However, no matter how much data you have and the ability to identify lucrative offers, all of it will
be for naught if your ad copy sucks Many tools can help you write advertising copy. However, there is a huge advantage with many AI- powered tools: Unlike their predecessors, which relied on historical data, AI-powered tools provide you with real-time data. This process allows you to fine-tune your copy to better suit the market
situation as the content is created and published.

Change the type of keyword match over time.
When launching a brand new Google or Microsoft Ads campaign, I usually start with multiple ad groups with strong similar keyword themes.

Using AI for Audience Research:
The key to successful ad copy is not only knowing who your target audience.

Fill in all available advertising content.
By providing additional space for relevant content, ETAs provide a great way for PPC managers to tell
a story about a product or service.
If you want your ads to perform better, be sure to fill out all the available information fields.

Final URL: Make it a very relevant landing page.
Headline 1:
Include things like the theme of the keyword entered by the user, your brand name, or the main value proposition in that area.
Headline 2: Include a value proposition here or use this box to establish context for the description.
Heading 3: This one doesn’t show up as often, but it’s always worth including a CTA or a solid value proposition for it.

Path 1: Path fields are not the “real” URL, but they are user-friendly inserts to demonstrate searcher
relevance. This is a good place to write down the top category, brand name, or keyword category
that relates to the ad group (i.e., what the user searched for in

Path 2: try to include additional and specific information to provide more context for the researcher. Lines of Description 1 and 2: This is the longest section of copy that links the researcher’s needs to your product or service solution. Focus on making it as relevant as possible to what the user is looking for instead of just generally dropping out information about your brand or service. Remember, the researcher tells you what he needs, and that’s your domain to answer! Google also added the option for Responsive Search Ads (RSA).

Conduct Research of competitors using AI
Before you put pen to paper, you need to study the competitive environment. It would help if you researched your competitors. This data will help you understand (among others):

The type of advertising content that drives clicks
With the competition for profitable keywords being rigorous, normal keyword research is no longer enough. You have to take advantage of AI to help you uncover hidden keyword gems. This fact is especially true as keyword research for SEO and PPC is not the same. For PPC, your money goes up or down on the keywords you use. That is why you need to find keywords that will give you good feedback when you bid. Calls to action: AI can help you too
While platforms like Google and Facebook give you CTA options to choose from when creating your campaigns, it’s always best to create your own CTA.

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