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Why is the Flutter mobile app development so common?

mobile app development

Why is the Flutter mobile app development so common?

Since its debut in 2017, the well-known mobile app development framework Flutter has experienced substantial growth in top app development companies. The use of Flutter among software developers is at 42%. Building cross-platform apps with a native-like experience is best done with Flutter. It has demonstrated the ability to fundamentally alter how programmers create hybrid programs.

You have undoubtedly heard about Flutter if you work as an iOS or Android app developer. With the aid of this platform, developers can quickly create interactive native interfaces for both iOS and Android. Although being a relatively new framework for creating cross-platform native apps, it has quickly acquired popularity among developers because of its ease of use, adaptability, and—most importantly—the backing of Google.

Let’s have a deep conversation on the topic. 

Why is the Flutter mobile app development so common?

In April 2020, the number of Flutter applications in the Google Play market climbed from 50,000 to 90,000. These figures show how well-liked the Flutter mobile app development is. Flutter was the most widely used cross-platform mobile framework globally, and 42% of software developers utilized it, according to the 2021 developer poll.

The best way to create cross-platform apps is with Flutter. As a result, Hire Flutter app developers from flutter app development company to create cost-effective apps with less time and effort, lowering the risks and mistakes associated with inconsistent UI and security.

The following are some reasons why we think Flutter will be the future of mobile app development:

1. Quick app creation

With features like Quick Reload, Flutter gives developers the ability to quickly adjust widgets and incorporate changes in the code, enabling them to create beautiful native apps in record time, as the platform properly said. Moreover, its rendering engine is extremely efficient, and it offers strong support for Firebase to help developers quickly deploy their apps.

2. Outstanding UX

For Android and iOS app development, Flutter offers Material Design and Cupertino, respectively. Every mobile app may gain popularity by having a user-friendly user interface. These two capabilities enable developers to create extremely engaging apps with ease. With this platform, you can create apps that are interesting, engaging, and simple to use. A variety of customizable, eye-catching, and motion-rich widgets can also create new opportunities for cross-platform programs.

3. Native background

Both the iOS and Android platforms have native functionality and SDKs available to developers. Native code, third-party connectors, and APIs are all available in Flutter to create cross-platform apps that feel native-like. Also, they can reuse coding languages like Swift and Kotlin for Android and iOS, respectively.

4. Reactive design

Using Google Flutter, developers can easily alter the UI by modifying the variables.

Flutter, a highly responsive and agile framework, helps developers create hybrid apps that run well across several platforms.  Also, any updates are immediately accessible on the app.

The platform makes sure that every element of the software adheres to the guidelines for design set out by certain operating systems. Google Flutter complies in full with accepted design guidelines. 

How you can hire app developers for Flutter mobile app development 

Flutter has generally been gaining developer attention worldwide for a number of years; according to Statista, its popularity climbed by 12% between 2019 and 2021. Since developers perceive Flutter as an optimal digital key, which is why it is being explored so actively, many businesses and IT firms utilize it. Find out how to hire app developers both domestically and abroad.

Outsourcing firms

Depending on their geography, businesses may discover the finest prospects abroad (in remote locations) or close by (in adjacent countries). The project’s timely completion and effective communication are unaffected by the different time zones. Using Flutter outsourced creators enables you to hire Android app developers on a contract basis and gives you quick access to the necessary skills. Outsourcing to a location where Flutter developers are paid less per hour might result in considerable cost savings for your business.


Companies can apply to use platforms to find independent contractors for a project or activity at a reasonable fee. It is also important to take into account that specialists operate independently, making it challenging for them to coordinate tasks with their own teams. Flutter may pay the independent developer on an hourly basis or in accordance with the amount of work accomplished.

Developing internally

When deciding on this form of cooperation, you should focus on the labor-intensive and priciest option first. Such a partnership has advantages and disadvantages. One benefit is having a team that is totally focused on the work at hand and constantly open to change. Glassdoor and LinkedIn are the most often used websites for finding full- and part-time jobs. Yet, full-time developers might anticipate a greater salary than, say, freelancers. Of course, you are aware that you will need to pay for the necessary tools, an Internet connection, energy, etc. They are eligible for the same benefits as the rest of your workforce.

Developer prerequisites for Flutter

Flutter developers come in three different varieties. These are what they are:

Flutter developers in training

Most developers start their careers knowing just one programming language. Hence, if you’re looking to hire iOS app developers for iOS development with 0–1 year of experience, be patient. Junior developers will also need extra time to understand the design and logic of the framework. They might not fully understand the framework. 

Intermediate Flutter developers

Mid-level Flutter developers are capable of working alone on minor jobs. Flutter developers at the mid-level typically have two to four years of experience. So, companies might think about adding such developers right into the core development procedure to speed up mobile app development.

Senior Flutter developers

Hiring experienced Flutter developers will help you produce a high-end cross-platform solution.

Senior Flutter developers have an average tenure of almost four years. Senior Flutter developers mentor junior and mid-level developers in addition to the mobile app development process.


Nowadays, Flutter’s biggest benefits are tremendously rapid mobile app development, fantastic performance, and incredibly lucrative. Businesses must first determine their project needs, recruiting budget, and amount of effort they are prepared to devote to hiring and resource management before hiring mobile app developers.

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