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Top 7 Android App Development Frameworks to Use in 2022

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When creating a digital product, the quality and pace of work ultimately depend on your expertise and tools in hand. Imagine going back to the early 2000s and creating a static web application using HTML and CSS. The same was the case with mobile applications. But, with evolving technologies and frameworks, we are able to cut down the development time and functionality of mobile applications.We now have several android app development frameworks. And if you are new to this field thinking about learning a couple of frameworks to polish your skillset, so many options can confuse you.But no need to worry. In this article, I’m going to share the top seven android app development frameworks with you. And by the end of it, you’ll have the utmost clarity in mind which framework offers what functionalities and which one is best for you.


If you want to learn a framework that will add some spark to your CV, it’s Ionic. Founded in 2012, it’s one of the best platforms available for cross-platform development. Ionic is open-source and allows you to use modern web technologies HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. Android developers are quite fond of it, especially those coming from a web development background. For web developers, the structure is quite straightforward. It consists of rich elements, gestures, animations, and software tools that allow developers to create android applications, including progress web apps from a single codebase. Just integrate it with other libraries and enjoy numerous functionalities such as Bluetooth, health kit, and fingerprint authentication to make your job easy and fun.


2.React Native

When talking about the best android frameworks, how can we miss out on React Native? I know, for some people it’s probably the best — even better than Ionic. But this debate is for another day. React Native is the 8th most loved cross-platform app development framework according to a recent survey. Developers can leverage React, a JS library, to build apps for both Android and iOS platforms. React Native is based on platform-specific, built-in interface components and performance. There are no issues regarding the Iteration period, Codebase, and Imperative programming that developers encounter in other technologies.



Flutter is another interesting framework to learn if you want to excel as an android developer. It’s an open-source framework, a product of Google, that offers a single codebase to create apps for Android as well as iOS phones. You will find numerous widgets that ease up your job, a rendering engine, debuting and integrating APIs, and some exciting resources to create and deploy high-performance applications. With the new flutter update, you enjoy fast development, rapid testing, and the freedom to create engaging and appealing UIs.



Xamarin is a . Net-based framework owned by Microsoft. It’s another cross-platform development framework offering a convenient ecosystem with backend, API, components, etc. As a .Net developer, you enjoy great support of different tools, libraries, and even other programming languages when you are using Xamarin. Its versatile backend infrastructure, and other features such as diagnostic tools, storyboard files, Google emulator manager, and a strong community of 60,000 contributors, make it worth using.


5. JQuery

Next on the list is JQuery. It’s an HTML5-based cross-platform development framework that allows developers to create Android as well as web applications at a fast pace. If you’re someone who loves devising powerful logic, JQuery is for you. You can make your application do more with less code and save your time and resources, making the whole development process efficient. It includes a custom JS file and structure-only style sheets for creation usage. Alongside that, you get plenty of plugins that come in handy for creating pop-ups, sliders, and everything that you need to create an interactive, user-friendly interface.



Our next pick is Corona SDK. It’s one of the popular cross-platform development frameworks that allow you to create apps and games for mobile, desktop, and even connected TV devices. Corona has more than 1000 built-in APIs, several useful plugins, and a Corona Native extension allowing you to create a mobile app without getting stuck in complexities. All you need is a strong command on Lua, a multi-paradigm programming language that’s known for its high performance. Like all the frameworks mentioned in this article, Corona offers an ideal environment for fast-paced development.



NativeScript is a product of Bulgarian software company, Telerik. Like all the frameworks mentioned in this article, it’s completely free. Someone having knowledge of Angular, Vue.js, TypeScript, and JavaScript can get started on it right away. If you want to add a versatile skill to your CV, master NativeScript. You will be able to build apps for multiple platforms in little time and at least cost. The framework gives you 100% direct access to all iOS and Android APIs, which is a huge bonus for developers as they can find free templates, plugins, and samples.


Final Words

If you want to work for a reputable app development company, hone your skills to perfection. For a mobile app developer, nothing is more important than an expert-level knowledge of essential programming languages and frameworks. 

Pick one framework from these and practice, practice, and practice. Good luck!

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