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Why Is Android So Popular For Fintech App Development Globally?

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Why Is Android So Popular For Fintech App Development Globally

Fintech App Development

Fintech refers to financial technology, the provision of financial services through digital platforms, including websites and mobile applications. These days, fintech mobile apps have become very popular, ranging from mobile banking apps to personal financial planners, mobile wallets, mobile investment, and trading apps.

Android platform has a wide reach globally and is preferred for financial technology application development over iOS. Android’s mass appeal and presence, compared to the high-end iOS, has proven to be more suitable as a platform for building fintech applications.

Android So Popular For Fintech App Development

Bringing the Transaction Cost Down

Fintech applications can easily eliminate collaborators and middlemen to carry out transactions and provide a better and more direct way to make payments, transfer money, or do any kind of financial transaction.

Also, it replaces traditional documents and the associated energy and resources, which is a significant cost. These cost advantages directly benefit customers, and businesses as the cost of transactions are reduced.

Uncompromising Security

Banks and financial institutions regularly face security breaches that threaten their reputation and the financial interests of customers and institutions. This is where the robust security measures of modern financial technology applications come in handy.

From advanced encryption methods to multi-factor authentication to biometrics for authentication, fintech applications use several critical technologies. Blockchain-based decentralized database technology further strengthens application security with its completely tamper-proof “write-only” protocol.

Superior Convenience of Transactions

Ultimately every business focuses on making it easier for customers to transact faster, resulting in greater business conversion and customer satisfaction. This is another area where fintech applications have helped businesses meet customer expectations.

Making payments through mobile wallets or mobile banking apps has revolutionized all major businesses. For this reason, it has become necessary for many businesses to have a financial technology application.

Tapping on the Millennial Purchasing Power

An entire generation of millennials now prefers technology-based methods of transacting over any other means, and mobile wallets have become the most commonly used medium for transactions. As they are more impatient than adults, faster transactions facilitated by fintech apps have enabled them to engage more with brands and buy more.

Key technologies setting the trends for the fintech industry

Let’s say you want to tap into the opportunities opened up by fintech with the best Android app. If so, you must be aware of the trendsetting technologies that have become critical to financial technology application solutions. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, the Internet of Things (IoT), and Blockchain are some of the key technologies that will set the trends for the future of fintech.

AI for Fintech Apps

AI and related technology, machine learning, rely heavily on data processed through transactions in financial institutions to provide highly accurate, data-driven insights that financial institutions and other businesses can use for their strategy and planning.

On the other hand, AI and machine learning can learn from user interactions and user history to recommend financial products and suitable solutions for them. This ability to learn from customer transactions and make recommendations accordingly is now leveraged by the fintech app’s chatbot feature.

IoT (Internet of Things) for Fintech Apps

IoT or connected internet-based ecosystems, devices, appliances, software applications, sensors, and vehicles have changed our daily living space.

Algorithms now use the data processed by these systems to gather customer-centric insights that can also be used by fintech applications. From vigilance security cameras in banks to voice-controlled speakers that carry out transactions from e-wallets, IoT has already made its presence felt in the fintech world.

Blockchain Technology for Fintech Apps

Blockchain technology refers to a decentralized database technology that was first released through the cryptocurrency Bitcoin. Bitcoin has made popular history with a unique offering and a skyrocketing growth story, the underlying technology Blockchain has captured the attention of many sectors as a highly secure and democratically accessible transaction method. No wonder you can’t talk about financial technology without a dedicated section on Blockchain.

Blockchain is considered a highly secure and easily accessible technology that allows smooth database management for many industries. Blockchain does not allow data to be deleted, removed, or changed, but only allows new data to be added as separate entries. This completely prevents data corruption. Also, Blockchain uses a powerful multi-layered encryption system that allows access based on mutual agreement.

With such uncompromising security features, Blockchain technology has penetrated the entire financial technology sector in a big way and is widely used by leading banking and financial solutions. Today, we have several leading Android fintech applications that rely on Blockchain to facilitate database management and transactions. If you want to hire an Android app development agency for your fintech application project, make sure that it has enough experience and skills with all the advanced technologies we have mentioned.

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