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A perfect Cheatsheet to optimize Ecommerce Product Page

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Ecommerce Product page

Ecommerce Product Page

Product Page SEO is the process of upgrading product page elements such as product descriptions and images so that they work better in search engines.

But sometimes, having a cheat sheet is a pleasure, which is why we have put together a list of SEO best practices for each of the key components on the e-commerce product pages.

Selecting an e-commerce URL Framework

The product URL itself can play a role in how the page works in search engines. Not only is the URL a factor in determining the relevance of a page, but the URL can also affect how many people click on it in search results, which directly affects the traffic to your product pages.

Product page title tags

In many ways, the title tag is optimized for product pages and any other page:

  • Make sure there is only one title tag per page and it is in the head tag
  • Surround the title tags with 60 characters
  • Use descriptive words and branding

There are reports on your product pages to help improve title tags. Find missing title tags, pages of incorrect length, or link your data to see how your title tags affect SEO performance.

Meta descriptions for product page

While not a ranking factor, your product page meta descriptions can affect your click-through ratio.

Improving these snippets is important because they can directly affect how much organic traffic your revenue-driven pages receive.

  • Use your description to sell your product! Treat it like a call-to-action.
  • As with title tags, a program solution is best for creating meta descriptions on large websites

Like title tags, there are missing descriptions, too long or too short descriptions, and statements that warn of the impact of your explanations on organic performance.

Product Description

Remember Google’s example of a high-quality product page from their quality rating guidelines. What can it teach us about product descriptions for SEO!

  • Product descriptions need to be written to sell products, so use this content as an opportunity to invite key features and benefits in a unique way.
  • Write about your product using the words your customers are looking for. Also, RealKeywords is great for this.

Structured data

Making sure your product pages have a product plan makes it easy to see the structured data distribution of your website by category. You can use it to find products based on their ratings or to compare product performance based on their rating star ratings.

Out of Stock products

E-commerce SEOs show the specific challenge of product expiration — what will they do with their product URLs when those products run out of stock? Here are some options.

  • If the product page ranks and brings significant traffic, keep it and display the message Item not found. Whether there is a link to related products or provide the option to “Email me when this product is back in stock”.
  • If the product is not in stock and there is such a product, you can return the 301 URL. Avoid being redirect to inappropriate pages.

Product Page How to manage SEO

Now you know how to improve your product pages, but does Google really know all about them? Through our research, we have found that Google is almost missing half of all pages on corporate websites. They are not indexed because they are not crawled. And if they are not indexed, searchers will not be able to find them. This means that countless retailers leave money on the table.

If you do not have an enterprise software solution it is difficult to measure product page SEO, we are here to help. It enables retailers to pay increased and steady revenue to their e-commerce websites

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