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5 Reasons for not getting proper Website Traffic

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Why website traffic is not proper

Not getting proper Website Traffic

There are many reasons why a website or blog may not get enough website traffic.

Domain age, author reputation, number and type of references, social media strategy and content freshness play their role.

But, the problem for the average website is in other areas. What you read below are 5 areas that are often overlooked by website owners because they do not understand their importance or do not know how to deal with them. So you have to be patient before deciding whether something worked or not.

The 5 reasons why Website Traffic is not proper

Your content is not enough

Believe it or not, search engines and especially Google have become more efficient at recognizing good content.

Therefore, if your content is not adequate and your website is not of high quality, the chances of getting high ranking and traffic on SERPs will be reduced.

In the old days, sending some backlinks to your content could ‘easily’ trick search engines and get high rankings, but this is no longer the case.

Aside from search engines, the indirect influence of social media on rankings and traffic should not be forgotten.

Content that lacks the best quality is unlikely to perform well on various social media channels.

You target more competitive keywords

This is a very common mistake and one of the most important reasons for not getting enough traffic to a website (at least from search engines).

Consider these 2 factors:

  1. There are only 10 places on the first page of SERPs for each keyword.

Search engines try to display the pages of trusted websites that meet their ranking criteria in those places.

If you have a new website or a mature website and it is less reliable than others, your pages will not show up on the first pages (if you both target the same keywords).

  • The competition for all popular keywords is very high, so if you only target popular keywords, it will be very difficult to achieve a good ranking.

So, if popular keywords are questionable, how can you get traffic?

The answer is a long way off. When you use the Google Keyword Tool to do your core research, you should target low-competitive, long-tailed keywords.

Your website is slow

We know for sure that page speed is a ranking factor and various studies show that users make frequent visits to high-speed loading websites.

The opposite is also true: users are more likely to log out if a website does not load in 4-5 seconds.

So, your website may be ranking and getting traffic from search engines or referrals from social media but as soon as the users land on a slow loading page, they leave without entering.

What happens when my website loads faster?

In my experience, if you improve the loading time of a website that already has some rankings, the traffic will increase as the rankings will improve.

If your website is slow but does not have a first-page ranking, fixing the page speed issue may increase your chances of having a page or pages in the top 10.

Attacked by a panda or a penguin

The average webmaster or blogger may not be aware of panda or penguin and how these algorithm changes affect the ranking status and the traffic a website receives through Google.

In terms of traffic, if you are affected by panda or penguin or any other algorithm changes, then you will find that your traffic is dramatically reduced from one day to the next.

Open your Google Analytics report, find the actual date the traffic changed, and compare this page with the dates on which Google changed its ranking algorithm.

If there is an applicable date and changes, you may have to take several steps to recover your traffic.

You hired the wrong SEO company

Unfortunately, this happens often. The web is full of ‘SEO companies that promise first-page rankings, but what really happens is that their methods and techniques destroy every opportunity to get organic traffic to your website.

How to choose a reliable SEO company?

I have compiled some general guidelines on how to outsource SEO by spending wealth.


The purpose of each website is to gain traffic from search engines, social media sites, and direct visits.

When this does not happen you feel like you are wasting your time and losing confidence on the internet as a whole.

There are billions of internet users around the world, and as you read this article, thousands of people are searching for information or hanging out on social media sites.

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