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How To Begin With WordPress SEO?

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How To Begin With WordPress SEO?

WordPress SEO

WordPress is one of the most widely used CMSs in the world. In early 2014, the WordPress site reported more than 74 million websites. Nearly half of Technorati’s top 100 blogs are WordPress blogs.

By the time you took the time to read the paragraph above, 60 new WordPress posts had been posted. Needless to say, there is a lot of WordPress functionality.

Many people believe that using WordPress will automatically give good SEO. Hopefully, all you have to do is start a WordPress site and your SEO will take care of itself.

WordPress Is Not an Automatic SEO Solution

First of all, let me reiterate that WordPress is not an SEO Silver Bullet. The value of WordPress for SEO is that it is simple and intuitive. The operating system does not require a lot of coding, or a ton of hard customization. Therefore, the best search can be run easily with optimal functionality.

Another advantage of WordPress is its technical beauty. The technical wonders of WordPress are just as great as the theme you use. In general, however, most themes use a sound technology system that removes unwanted code and is mobile-friendly. If you get in touch with WordPress Agency Nestler Creation then they will guide you better on this

Your Theme Is Not Automatically SEO Friendly

One of the best things about WordPress is choosing different types of themes. In a matter of minutes, your website can be stunning. All it takes is one theme. And one of the best parts? Lots of themes are free.

An SEO Plugin Does Not an Optimized Site Make

Here’s what you need to keep in mind. Just because you use the SEO plugin, does not mean that your site will be upgraded.

Because a plugin only helps you to do SEO. This will not improve the SEO of the site for you. A plug-in will not change your website. Instead, a plug-in allows you to easily modify, customize, or upgrade your site. With the plugin, you do not need to access code files or have advanced knowledge. You just have to tell the plugin what to do and it does it.

It’s up to You to Optimize Your SEO

If you want the optimal site, it’s yours to build it that way.

Search engine optimization is not just about installing the right plugins or choosing the right theme. That’s just the beginning. You need to take control by making your website search-friendly.


In conclusion, do not assume that you are going to be a better site because you use WordPress and Yoast. It is your job to discover what that is and to bring it about.

If you are just starting with WordPress or want to further develop your skills, Aartisto offers a WordPress certification training course run by Web App and Programming Specialists.

Within our WordPress package, users have access to training tests and webinars to help them achieve their certification goals.




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