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Top native ad networks

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As for monetizing sites In addition, most publishers usually partner with some or other ad networks. There can be a lot of success and testing to find out which ad network, or even which ad networks combined, generate the most revenue for publishers, but once they finally find out, it will be worth it. Correct monetization and the right choice of advertising service have the power to improve the blog’s monthly earning rate.

One can find a number of different ad networks on the internet these days, specifically for publishers. But most of them are not paid according to the publishers’ blog potential. CPM, over time, has become the best method of making money from every last impression on a webpage or blog. CPM stands for the cost of the name per mile and also the cost per thousand post impressions.


MGID is one of the most excellent native advertising platforms obtainable in the bazaar. MGID has been a huge basis of high-quality value CPC traffic, I have tried a figure of CPC provider, and MGID has had the uppermost sales conversion percentage of anything we have tried to date. All affiliates are obligated to follow trends, choose offers and white list widgets. In fact, the button “instant money” does not exist; you earn and earn money only if you are optimizing your campaigns constantly. Many marketers choose Tier 1 country to endorse their offer just because of the senior payouts. On the one give, this is a very legitimate aspiration, but on the additional hand, you require to set senior bids. You pay more for traffic, then you start paying more for leads, and all that is left is chunks and chunks of your “golden” payments.

Rev Content

Rev Content is the latest native content and advertising recommendation platform for businesses because it improves their ROI. For example, when a user reads a clothing section of the buzz stream, a modern clothing story can be sponsored by high-end clothing showrooms, increasing reader engagement.

Rev Content delivers over 100 billion recommendations each month to improve user engagement with quality native ads. But engaging with RevContent is no easy task, and the company rejects an average of 98% of applications. Once approved as a publisher, it’s important to include JavaScript code on the website to showcase native recommendations.


Taboola is a content advertising platform and one of the nearly everyone popular native advertising networks that give a “content you might like” widget to online publishers to display promoted content, including articles, videos and slide shows. The power of the many “Sponsored Links” and “Stories you might like on the web” sections that you’ve probably seen on sites like the New York Times, TMZ, and USA Today, to name a few. While some implementations may seem full of spam (for example, a link to a story titled “10 Celebrities You Never Guessed Got Full Front-End On The Movie”), these links can be effective sources of additional income. For many sites.

The quality of recommended content found on our brain is generally higher as they pre-filter content they consider spam; Taboola prides itself on its Taboola Choice feature where users can provide feedback.

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