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5 Ways Content Writers Can Please Google and People

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5 Ways Content Writers Can Please Google and People

Content Writers

Content writers are tasked with delighting people (their audience) and search engines. This can be confusing as the needs of these two different audiences (humans and search engine robots) don’t always align with one another.

We want to make sure we provide our audience with great content that is valuable and fun to read through. And at the same time, we want to write a copy that is easy for search engine bots to crawl, index, and understand.

Many people don’t realize that search engines have a boss too, and he is none other than the end-user. So, if we want search engines to crawl our content, count on it, deliver it, and rank it for our desired keywords, we need people to love it.

A powerful content that meets people’s needs will ultimately rank higher for both people and search engines. This is because when people read your article, they aim to find something useful and valuable in the text. If they do not see it, they will leave quickly (and maybe never come back).

It’s a challenge, but if you can write articles that both people and search engines enjoy, then more people will be happy – which means more visitors coming back to read more content from you in the future.

This article will look at how content writers can delight people and search engines.

5 Ways Content Writers Can Please Google and People

  1. Write for human beings, not search engines

Writing great content makes the world go around. It satisfies users and search engines simultaneously (even if you don’t focus on the latter). But I think there’s a gap in how content writers are told to write and how they do it. Are you still writing content with keywords stuffed in?

When you try to write for both people and search engines, things get messed up. However, writing can go smoothly if you simply write for people. Yes, it’s true. Search engines work to serve human beings. If you do the same thing, they will respect your content and let it rank high.

Content writers aren’t solely responsible for writing words that entice people. They also need to make sure these words rank well in search engines, and this can be done when you target people in the right way. Your top priority should be the end reader, not solely the search engine.

Many people have a hard time coming up with ideas for topics to write content articles on. They don’t know what they should write and whether anyone would want to read it. And if someone does find the topic interesting, it’s hard to generate enough buzz around it to get people engaged in sharing the content. This usually happens when you try to balance things for people and the search engine. If you just think about your readers, you will be able to come up with exciting ideas to write on.

  1. Conduct keyword research to find keywords relevant to your topic

What can you write about that will delight and interest people, and at the same time, nudge those all-important search engines in your direction? Consider conducting keyword research to find keywords relevant to your specific topic. Researching keywords is a must for obtaining high rankings for search terms on sites such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Have you ever had a striking idea for a blog post but didn’t know what keywords to use? You probably wrote a few drafts that never got popular because you didn’t do keyword research.

Conducting keyword research is part of the process of learning what words your potential audience is searching for and using those words in your content.

Writing useful content is a designer’s job, but knowing how to extract the most juice from your content writing through keyword research and analysis can speed up the process.

In simple terms, keyword research is a process to find the most relevant keywords that you can use in your content. It’s one of the most important parts of content creation and optimization.

As a content writer, you’ll want to find the best keywords for your content. Be sure to choose keywords that are closely linked to your business or service. You don’t want to choose too general of a keyword as it will be harder to rank for and produce the traffic needed.

You’ve heard it time and time again. Create high-quality content that delights both people and search engines. While the former is easy to achieve, the latter can sometimes be complicated. It can take a lot of hard work and planning to come up with a well-optimized piece of content that is also relevant, engaging, and does well with readers.

  1. Consider your target audience before you start writing

There is great value in what content writers can do for web businesses the world over. The trick is to think through your content before you draft it up and to consider your target audience.

One of the biggest mistakes that people make when writing content online is not considering their target audience. They just start writing after deciding on a topic, which is not the right thing to do. How can you please your target audience without taking into account their needs and wants? Well, it’s not easy, and it’s a case of balancing.

If you’re a content writer, then your goal is to write for the readers. That means that you’ll want to use words and phrases that will be easily understood by your target audience. The key here is figuring out exactly who that audience is before you start writing. Are you writing for a university professor? High school students? Or laypersons of the society? Once you know the audience, you will be able to write accordingly.

Content strategy is all about striking the right balance. Not only do you have to consider your target audience and what they want, but also what search engines like Google give preference to. You have to be a marketer and a copywriter.

  1. Optimize meta title and meta descriptions to increase CTR

Optimizing meta titles and meta descriptions is one of the best ways to increase CTR (click-through rate) and optimize your pages for search engines.

If you’re a writer, blogger, or content marketer, chances are you’re submitting content for inclusion in the SERPs. If this applies to you, the meta title and description fields are places where you can increase Click-Through Rates.

Taking the word count into consideration is indispensable while writing meta tags. This is because search engines let you show a specific limit of characters in both titles and descriptions.

As a general rule of thumb, Google shows 60 characters of meta title and 160 characters of the meta description.

Text beyond that limit usually gets truncated. Therefore, it’s best to consider specific limits so that you can include your top keywords at the beginning of these important on-page SEO elements.

Have you ever wondered why people don’t click on your links? This could be because your meta title or meta description aren’t optimized to attract users. That’s why proper optimization is important.

To be honest, search engines like meta title tags and meta descriptions. They can be crucial to your website ranking on Search Engine Result Pages. That’s why it’s important to optimize them to be as relevant and eye-catching as possible.

If you can engage your audience, then they will click through to your website and read your content. The metas allow you to draw the reader in with a compelling headline. When writing these descriptions, include relevant keywords that match the search query.

With that being said, hiding behind your keywords and trying to fool search engines won’t help your cause. Create content that speaks to people directly, and you’ll be rewarded with higher rankings, better click-through rates, and more traffic on your website.

  1. Write research-based content that is valuable for readers

Writing great content is hard, but writing research-based content that is valuable for readers and search engines can be even more challenging.

Yes, you read that correctly. Write content that is valuable to people and search engines. There’s a lot of buzzes around writing for people and search engines, but not so much about how to do it right. Readers won’t pay attention to it if you write content without including helpful information.

Sure thing, writing delightfully valuable and engaging content is challenging. But it’s also important to your business because if you want people to see your business as helpful, you have to stand out from the crowd. And how do you do that?

By producing excellent content related to your niche, engaging with your audience, and providing them with relevant and enjoyable material, you can achieve the purpose of your writing.

Content writers are the storytellers of the digital age. We spend our days creating Internet-ready stories that fill people’s hearts and minds with value and deep interest. We want people to interact with the content we create – whether this means likes, comments, shares, or purchases.

In short, you have to focus on writing research-based content that can provide your readers with real value and satisfaction. Make your post full of helpful information so that the visitor doesn’t have to go elsewhere to find information that they might be looking for.



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