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Web Development Cost Estimate Template

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Web Development Cost Estimate Template

Web Development

Knowing how much it costs to make a website is a little complex. It depends on a large number of variables and the criteria that make each case unique. In this article, we will calculate the cost of custom web development as a sum of smaller components.

For this purpose, we attempt to divide the development process into simple CRUDS. Knowing how much each element will cost and the approximate number of such areas will help you meet your budget expectations. Whether a company should have a web-based version of its software product or corporate business application is no longer a question but in the age of cloud computing learn how much it costs to build a web application that meets the business goals of the company.

Let’s look at the custom web development cost estimate for the cost perspective for each feature. Then it will help to see the whole picture. For example, we need to create a simple web-based CRM. It can be both domestically used CRM and CRM developed for public release. The CRM product can be a complete SaaS operating system or a duplicate of the desktop CRM product, allowing users to get the same functionality used on their desktops in their browsers.

While CRUD may not always be one of the features that everyone needs for their web application, it will always be a part of it. CRUD stands for Create Read Update Delete, which usually requires you to create an employee-like organization in an application, for example, access that company (read) and update it, then assume that you want to change the employee’s work name. Delete a promotion or ex-employee from your database (We do not delete data in order to actually keep the history, and sometimes enforce other rules so that irrelevant data disappears from the user’s view). Let’s take a look at the cost of internet usage with standard CRUD.

Standard CRUD with a simple business rule

In a standard CRUD with a simple business rule, we only deal with one company, its creation does not require a set of rules, it is a simple insertion into a database. We can take the example of creation, access to simple research as a result of the data table, updating and deleting the “task type”.

A work type is allowed for all types of work: part-time, full-time, etc. with its allowed daily working hours: 4 hours for part-time and 8 hours for full-time.

Creating a Simple Interface for a Web-Based Application:

  • Allows the user to create the task type
  • See the list of job types
  • Edit task type
  • Delete the task type (with the help of a link in the interface)


  • To pursue a new task type in the database
  • To update an existing task type
  • Delete an existing task type
  • List the job type by name

Test to validate that:

  • Consistency works properly for new job type
  • The update works properly for an existing task type
  • Provides research on expected job types or job types
  • We have seen that even simple tasks like creating, reading, updating, and deleting a simple object require a lot of development work.

Each task involves:

  • One front-end developer
  • One back-end developer
  • One QA tester

The development flow will look this way:

  • To build the UI for this CRUD, a pre-final developer will charge $ 80 / – for 4 hours.
  • A post-final developer will charge $ 80 $ / hour to build the logic.
  • A QA tester will work 2 hours for $ 70 / hour to perform the test

Standard CRUD with a medium business rule
Creating an interface

  • Allow user to create a job: List of available categories and all available qualification levels
  • Review the list of jobs
  • Edit or delete work

The logic to implement in order:

  • to persist in a new job in the database
  • to update or delete an existing job
  • to list job type by title

Test to validate that:

  • persistence is working correctly for a new job
  • the update is working correctly for an existing job
  • the research returns the expected work type or jobs

The web-based application development flow looks like that:

  • To build the UI for this CRUD, a pre-final developer will charge $ 80 / – per day.
  • A post-final developer will charge $ 80 / – per day to develop logic.
  • A QA tester will charge $ 70 / hour to perform the test
  • A project manager works 2 hours for $ 100 / hour



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