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Who will rule in 2024: .NET vs React Native

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Who will rule in 2022 .NET vs React Native


.NET is a free, cross-platform, general-purpose, open-source development platform that enables the development of a variety of applications. It can be used to build native applications for web, desktop, gaming, mobile, and IoT applications for Android, Linux, macOS, and Windows. Experts classify it as structures (full layer).

React Native

React Native is a framework for building native applications with React. It allows you to build high-quality user experiences using a standard developer experience based on React and JavaScript. React Native focuses on building developer efficiency across all platforms. Developers categorize this under cross-platform mobile development.

Languages – .NET vs React Native

Here are the languages ​​you can use to build .NET, React Native.

  • .NET: Developers can write .NET applications in Visual Basic, C#, or F#.
  • React Native: Developers can write React applications in JSX, an XML syntax extended JavaScript.

Application Structure – .NET vs React Native

  • .NET: .NET framework is a programming model. It allows implementation and integration with many programming languages. These factors enable straightforward development and deployment of various desktop and Windows applications. .NET consists of reusable components and class libraries.
  • React Native: React Native is not a framework like MVC. It’s just a view-based library. A React developer doesn’t need to use a specific application framework.

Data Binding – .NET vs React Native

  • .NET: .Net forms an essential aspect of data binding. It allows you to perform tasks such as data entry and generating reports.
  • React Native: React native implements one-way data binding with the unidirectional data flow. Changes you make to a model variable will affect the view but not vice versa.

Scenarios – .NET vs React Native

This is an essential part of the comparison. Each framework has its unique application to create a specific type of application.

  • .NET: .NET is suitable for console applications, class libraries, mobile applications, Windows services, Windows applications, and web services.
  • React Native: React Native is suitable for building single-page, dynamic, and native mobile applications. It’s a great library for building static-type applications that don’t have logical computations or functions.



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