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Future of Influencer Marketing

In today’s scenario that is the Covid-19 period, all the businesses are now focusing on the internet for promotion. One of the best ways to promote a product is Influential marketing which simply means finding a real person who can promote your product through various social medias or through their website.

Basically, the influential marketing is one of peak because of the general people who have gained many subscribers or visitors. Customers will believe more to the general people rather than the celebrities.

According to us, Influential marketing will be like:

  1. More trending:

As due to the coronavirus, brands are more focused on branding themselves in the digital world for that they are finding various digital marketers and also for promoting their products they would like to hire various big influencer according to their niches.

  • Story Based Influential Marketing:

Now you have seen in various influential marketers posts story based content which would more likely to absorb by consumers.

  • Focused on Small Influencers:

Brands have realized that many big influencers buy huge amount of followers just to become influencers. In now a time, or in future brands will focus only on the engagement status with the users.

Dis-advantages of influential Marketing:

Apart from the benefits let us discuss the dis-advantages of the influential marketing:

  1. Bad reputation is the first dis-advantage of influential marketing as any wrong words about any community will hamper your brand image.
  2. No result from the influencer as today’s time, many influencers buys huge amount of followers and when you give them work for promotion they cannot able to fulfill the engagement criteria.
  3. May be costly, as the work of the influencers is just to promote and they charge huge amount for just one post so it may be a possibility that you will not get any lead from them. So it is a sheer wastage of money.


In today’s scenario that is the Covid-19 period, all the businesses are now focusing on the internet for promotion. One of the best ways to promote a product is Influential marketing which simply means finding a real person who can promote your product through various social medias or through their website.

In above, the future and dis-advantage of influential marketing are given. Read that and please leave your comments below. Or contact us

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