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How to generate High-Quality leads with LinkedIn Product Pages

How To Generate High-Quality Leads With LinkedIn Product Pages

LinkedIn Product Pages

LinkedIn, a popular professional networking site, has taken its package of marketing solutions to the next level. In December 2020, LinkedIn released product pages as a new way for companies to run high-end fronts using features such as product highlights, legs-to-action (CDAs), and market-based social resources.

Among the most widely used online and social media marketing (SMM) channels, LinkedIn Lead Generation (Lead Generation) strategy is especially useful for business-to-business (B2B) companies. LinkedIn topped the Insider Intelligence 2020 Digital Trust Rankings in the United States and surpassed competitors such as Facebook (9th) and Twitter (7th). What’s more, the Hubspot study found that LinkedIn’s viewer-to-lead conversion rate was 277 percent higher than competitors.

How much do LinkedIn product pages cost?

It costs nothing to add LinkedIn product pages to your company page. But if you have been doing LinkedIn marketing for a while, you should know that a profitable LinkedIn Lead Generation Strategy requires the right investment. Improving your LinkedIn product page is a top priority to enhance brand and product innovations. In particular, you will need to upgrade your copy and assets to force visitors to change. These actions can be incorporated into your overall LinkedIn Lead Generation strategy at a reasonable price.

How to get a lead on LinkedIn Product Pages

When you add the Products tab to your business page, start attracting qualified B2B sales leads. But before we take you through the steps, here are three ways to improve product pages for creating leads on LinkedIn that demonstrate how powerful this strategy is.

  • Product Features: Use it to promote and promote your products in front of potential customers. At the same time, support their decision-making process by posting complete and accurate information about your offers.
  • Mandatory, customizable CTAs: Press your target B2B tracks with the CTA buttons to request demos or contact the sales team.
  • Social Resource: Create a trusting environment by allowing current customers to leave ratings and reviews. If you’ve been selling on LinkedIn, you should be well aware of that positive feedback and the evidence convinces the ambush to change.

If you want to explore how to get leads on LinkedIn, many experts and LinkedIn’s leading generation service providers recommend focusing on this factor. A Spiegel Research Center study found that a product with five reviews is 270 percent more likely to be purchased than an item without reviews. It is quite possible to change B2B sales paths by allowing ratings and reviews on LinkedIn to come from verified buyers.

How to set up LinkedIn product pages

Are you ready to learn how to get on LinkedIn through product pages? Here are the steps:

1.  Create a Product Page

To get started, go to the Super Admin or Content Admin view of your company page. Click the Products tab and then the “Add Product” button. The product page feature created by LinkedIn allows you to list up to 35 individual offers.

2.  Enter and Save Product Name

It’s as easy as it sounds. But be sure to enter the correct product name, as you will not be able to edit it yourself after pressing Save. You or your LinkedIn marketing company will need permission from LinkedIn to change it.

3.  Edit Your Header

Product pages are pre-filled with details such as product name and product type based on your website and LinkedIn company page content by following previous feedback on LinkedIn.

4.  Showcase Your Product

Now is the time to fill most of the LinkedIn product display page. Enter your product description and website URL. To get the best LinkedIn product page, you need to write a description that is 1-2 columns long and fits the 500-character range.

5.   Submit Your LinkedIn Company Product Page for Review

You can create multiple product pages by following the steps above. When done, submit them to LinkedIn for review, which can take up to two weeks. Then, once approved, you can wait another 1-2 days to see the list.

6. Publish your LinkedIn product display page

If your product pages appear when you view the Products tab, you know they are life.

We at Aartisto Digital Marketing Agency provide the best info about LinkedIn product pages. For best results and to get more business LET’S DISCUSS

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