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New Features of Google Ads

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What are Google Ad words or Google Ads?
Google Ad words is a tool that will allow us to connect with our audience through paid ads. Google will enable us to connect supply with demand.

Google Ads essentially has two networks:
Search and Display to distribute your ads in a first level and then they are usually used as exceptional cases: Shopping, Video, and Mobile Apps. Each of them has its characteristics and different options. It allows us to impact our audience at different times. From performing segmentation by geographic location to looking for those micro-moments of quick connections while you wait for your usual means of transportation or have a break at work. Digital branding Institute will help you to know more about the features of Google ads.

Uses of Google ad words
Visibility: Both in the Google search engine and on any other internet site through advertisements or banners in newspapers, blogs, or watching a video.

Complement or information for SEO actions: You can start campaigns to detect what your
target audience is looking for. You can also complement those organic searches where SEO
has not yet had time to act and boost the acceleration of results via Google Ad words. If you
want more information about this context you can contact a digital branding agency

Below are some features of Google ad words:
1. Promotion extensions
In the new Ad Words interface, you can find a great surprise, a further expansion called “promotions extension” that allows you to add a promotional label to your ad. It offers a discount that you can add to the announcement.

2. Ad variations
Those of us who have been doing PPC ads on Ad Words for a long time know the importance of continually testing our ads for better results. For this, you have to write several versions, and this can be complicated and arduous work
when you have many ad groups. Now you will have a new formula when creating ad variations that will make your job more comfortable since it allows you to create different versions of your ad automatically.

3.Personalized audiences
In the display network, Google is creating personalized audiences of users with purchase intent. This means that you can reach people who want to buy certain products. This is based on data from your campaigns, website, and YouTube channel.

4. Gmail Remarketing
Finally, you will have the possibility of using remarketing campaigns for the ads in Gmail. This is a new and useful tool, especially for advertisers with e-commerce, since you can remarket in the inbox of your clients. If you want more information about Google ads, you can click on the link

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